
Chapter 3.2: Menage a trois

Sheba was impressed with her conquests and reveled in them daily. Many of the men she had killed were in her pit now, and even in death, she had ruled over them, conquering them once again.

In more ways than one.

"Don't worry, Santos. I'll give you the best night of your after-life."

Santos didn't fight back at all, the prospect of sex with a queen higher on his list than living, even if she might kill him during sex. He hoped it was after. Sheba pulled down his pants and looked right into his eyes as she did it, learning everything he liked.

"So many men have started wars over wet holes, which is so amusing," Sheba whispered. "They are all the same, some just hotter than others."

As she pulled off his briefs, Santos wondered how she would make him feel good, his lust clouding his mind. The moans of the pit continued, the people outside of it moaning along as well, and Sheba's favorite song played on repeat.

Savannah struggled to walk as she moved towards them, and collapsed to the ground, squirming and grunting. She wasn't going to die because of some kind of sexy witch, and she wasn't going to stay in there either, surrounded by the smell of sex and sweat.

It was overbearing, and Savannah was starting to miss the sulfur smell from before. Sheba looked over and saw her crawling towards them, and smiled. A challenger had entered the arena, and she would regret it.

"Time for a party of three," Sheba laughed.

She walked over to Savannah and dragged her over to Santos, who was naked, sweaty, and confused. Sheba leered down at them and tried to come up with something fun to do with them.

She could smell the inexperience all over Savannah, and see it as well.

"Do you know what a pearl necklace is, you scrawny thing," Sheba said, gesturing to Savannah.

"I know you're a slut," Savannah whispered.

"Yes, and the sky is blue, dear, answer my question."

Savannah did not know, nor did she want to learn.

Their conversation was interrupted by Santos, who rolled over and pushed out his large, black wings. He knocked Sheba right into the pit, and he stood up, slowly, still dizzy and erect.

"Don't get in the circle with me, I'm gonna fuck her and kill her," Santos groaned.

Savannah didn't want to get in before nor after his declaration.

Santos struggled to walk, his knees shaking, mouth drooling as he walked towards the pit, trying not to get stuck. He collapsed into it, and the naked throng grabbed him, pulling him deep into the bottom.

More moans came out, and Savannah started to come to, Sheba's spell wearing off again. Everyone else in the room started to relax, and the wet sounds of slapping and soft squishing stopped.

Everyone in the pit stood up and Savannah could see Santos, kissing Sheba, their tongues pushing against each other.

"What the fuck," Savannah screamed.

Sheba giggled and looked up at Savannah, boasting that no man had ever escaped her trap. "Don't be jealous, you wouldn't know what to do with him anyway," Sheba laughed.

"It's okay, I know what to do you with ," Santos mumbled.

Everyone watched in anticipation, except for Savannah, who started to look around for an exit as they rolled around the filthy floor. Her ears got hot as she wandered around the hexagon-shaped dungeon, hearing their moans from a distance.

She found an exit, a tunnel, but it was blocked by an iron gate, and there was no lever to raise it. Savannah panicked as she heard them finish, her distraction now gone, and worried that Sheba would start again.

Instead, the iron gate receded on its own, into the ground.

From the tunnel came a handsome man. He had short brown hair, a wonderful smile plastered on his face, and was naked. Clothing seemed to be optional in the second circle, and Savannah stared at his endowment.

Strangely his skin was tinted red, and there was a weird seal on his lower abdomen. Small, goat-like horns curled from his head, and a little, small, fleshy tail whipped around in the air, along with his bright pink wings.

He was holding a long chain, and on the end was a man, who, unlike everyone else was fully clothed, in long brown robes. He had a blue ball gag in his mouth and screamed as the handsome man dragged him, the chain connected to a spiked collar on his neck.

Savannah had met the first person who did not enjoy being hurt and knew that she had found a regular person.

"Who are you," Savannah asked.

"I am Asomodeus the cambion, son of King David and Agrat bat Mahlat. Welcome to my home."

He curtsied and grinned, happy to be of service to his visitors. Unlike the other circles, only pleasure was to be had here.

Whether you wanted it or not.

"Ah, uh… okay…," Savannah mumbled. "Why is he screaming?"

She pointed to the old man, squirming and screaming, spit dripping out of his mouth and onto the sticky floor. Asmodeus snickered, and his little wings flapped fast, enjoying the misery of the old man.

"This is my brother, Solomon. Say hello to our guest."

Solomon screamed and cried, and Asmodeus scolded him for his rudeness. "That is no way to greet guests," he huffed. Pulling on his chain, hard, Asmodeus forced him to get up, and he walked towards the pit.

Asmodeus swayed his hips as he walked, giggling and biting his lower lip, watching the show. Savannah balked in disgust, once she saw the many scratches on his back.

Screams of pleasure in the background turned into screams of pain. Asmodeus was no longer entertained as one of his visitors broke his only rule. Everything must feel good here, all the time. Pain should only lead to pleasure.

Not the other way around.

Santos had bitten into Sheba's jugular, and her black blood went all over the pit, spraying everyone's feet and Santos' face. She got up and tried to push him away, but Santos tackled her to the ground and ate her.

With another bite, his venom kicked in, and Santos enjoyed his meal.

He saw.

He conquered.

He came.

Savannah started to drool, jealous of his meal, and then wondering, what was there to be jealous about. There wasn't, as Sheba's demonic blood was disgusting compared to the good stuff, but it wasn't about the food.

It was about sending a message.

Santos looked Asmodeus in his purple eyes as he ate Sheba, every last drop. Asmodeus stood, at the top of the pit, and roared, the sounds of an animal shaking the walls and the cages with naked dancers inside of them.

"Get your hands off my wife!"

Asmodeus let go of the chained leash and ran towards Santos, fangs bared.

With a bored look on his face, Santos opened his mouth.

Savannah's eyes twitched, as she was hit in the chest with someone's lower jaw. It skidded to the floor, and slid, landing at the feet of the old man. Santos stood up, and the headless bodies fell down.

Like wilting flowers, their loose tendons spilled out of their necks. Pieces of Sheba covered Santos' body, and since she was closer than the others, there wasn't much left of her, only the lower half of her body.

Santos coughed, and a bit of black blood came out of his mouth and nose.

"This is pretty funny," he laughed.

"What about this is funny," Savannah shouted.

"She's dead, and the only thing left, is her lower half. You get it? Because she's a whore!"

Savannah didn't find anything funny at all.

Santos walked through the remains of the sexual deviants, and stepped on something hard. He bent over to pick it up, and it was a ring. It was made of silver, but in the middle was a golden pentagram, with 6 little dots surrounding it.

Santos had no idea what it was and played with it as he walked out of the pit, planning to go back to the beach and drink more blood disguised as water. Savannah was trying to free the old man from his chains, but the best she could do was get the disgusting device out of his mouth.

"Thank you," Solomon whispered. "I've been captured for so long… I didn't think I would ever break free."

"It's okay, you can come with us," Savannah said. "We won't let them hurt you again."

The feeble old man shuffled over to Santos to thank him and noticed the ring. "Where did you find my ring," Solomon asked.

"I just stepped on it. Thought it was a bone or something. You can have it."

Santos gave it to him, more than happy to get rid of it. It was ugly, and he didn't want to keep a single item from one of the perverts he had smeared all over the walls and floor.

Solomon put his ring back on and smiled. He looked Santos in the eyes and he smiled back, happy that maybe he could save someone inside this prison.

The old man's small smile grew and grew, and his eyes shrunk and shrunk until his smile was stretched over his face, inhumane and grotesque.

He was not Solomon.

I kind of like Asmodeus.

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