
Industrial Revolution

The Wyvern carried in a box of stones called that allowed the holders to talk to each-other. The moderator could control which stone connects to which other stones. Just then, she had a brilliant idea. Immediately, she named the stones "Comm Links". (Now can you see where she's going with this?).


[Time-skip 1 Week]


It was finally complete. With the discovery of the Comm Links, she had to create a whole new research branch she named 'Engineering'. There, they built new non-science related technologies. The first invention was called the 'Mk. 1 Repeating Crossbow'. Here's the gist; it's a crossbow, but at the same time it's an auto rifle. This went on and on for a week, until the Engineering Division came up with their greatest thing yet. They would not tell her, bet they assured her it was revolutionary.


As she exited the cave and into the plains, she found a 13 storey tower next to what looked like a couple hangers and a runway (all in medieval style of course). She found the Kobold in charge of the Engineering Division; Tobias Yam; waiting outside the tower.

"Ah! Empress! Good to see you! How are you this fine evening?"

"Hello, Tobias. I'm very excited. So, what do you have to show me?"

"Good question!" Said Tobias, gesturing to the tower entrance.

"Oh, if you could revert to your humanoid form, that would be great. The ATCT (Air Traffic Control Tower) wasn't built with the frames of dragons in mind... *chuckle*"

She reverted to her dragon form, and followed Tobias up the tower. At the top, she found two more kobolds sitting down at what looked like a console mounted to a Comm Link.

"What I'm about to show you, speaks for itself. Please, take a seat"

As Gilhaz sat down, Tobias motioned to one of the other kobolds. One nodded, and bent over the Comm Link.

"Kappa-1, this is Obelisk, do you copy? Over"

"Obelisk, this is Kappa-1. Solid copy loud and clear. Standing by for take-off, over"

"Confirmed, Kappa-1. Now go and do what you do best"

Moment later, a wyvern the size of a B-47 left one of the hangers she saw earlier and proceeded towards the runway. It was wearing a saddle that attached to a back mounted compartment that could easily fit 15 Kobolds. The wyvern then took off.

"May I direct you attention towards that target over there?" Tobias asked, gesturing towards a red speck in the distance that Gilhaz first thought was a stain on the window. Flying at a medium altitude of about 1500 metres, the wyvern then dropped something, which exploded on the speck with the fucking might of Zeus. The shockwave was so large, it even dented the windows on the tower, which was 50,000 Kilometres away.

"Kappa-1, this is Obelisk. Good job boys, RTB, over"

"This is Kappa-1, solid copy"

A huge smile the. Crept up on Gilhaz' face

Hello! Sorry for not writing. Something I’ve learned as an author, writing just doesn’t happen. You need inspiration. Anyway, check out my new book! By the time you read this, it’ll probably have its first chapter published. Or, it doesn’t. I honestly have no idea what the update delay on Webnovel is, and if it’s immediate or not.Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

XD_Jaegercreators' thoughts
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