
Let’s Boogie

"A raid!? Already!? Those only happen when the party's base is at an incredibly powerful level!"

"It doesn't matter! Ve need to defend Helms Deep!"

[Host's First Raid Detected! Giving Raid Beginner Item]

[Wooden Sword Added To Inventory]

'Ignoring that, I need to go prepare'


(For the rest of the chapter, play; ride of the valkyries)


Third person POV


*thump-thump thump-thump thump-thump*

Somewhere, a few miles west of a mountain cliff, a large, black mass was speeding towards a cavern. Upon closer inspection, the black mass was made of about 200, large canines. "Blitzer Hounds", they were called. They had dark grey fur, large teeth, long, muscular legs, and a blood crazed look in their eyes. They were named Blitzer Hounds after Adolf Hitlers infamous "Blitzkrieg" strategy. Rush in, and kill everything before they even know what happened. How this realm knew of Hitlers exploits, nobody has any idea. These beasts only leave a path of destruction in their wake. Every creature with anything that resembles a brain knows to steer clear of these monstrosities when they're on the move.

But, since nobody was ever killed a dragon and gotten a good look at its brain before, nobody knows what they resemble.

And, at the cave they where running to, a spider, a snake, and a dragon stood their ground against the oncoming onslaught.

"So it begins..."




There they were. To be completely honest, she was quite worried. This was her first raid, and from what Amelia told her, the battle will be quite difficult.

"Alright... let's boogie" Gilhaz said with shaky confidence.

With that, she took off. Amelia Slithered towards the horde, and Adaleied started to place web traps.


Without skipping a beat, Gilhaz rained down an unholy hellfire down upon the Blitzer hounds, completely disintegrating those who were caught in the attack.

[You Have Slaughtered; 78 Blitzer Hounds!]

[+7800 exp]

'Huh! These guys are easier to defeat than I thought! I wonder how the other two are doing'


Meanwhile, Amelia was causing absolute chaos on the frontlines. Her scales were too strong to even be scratched by the Blitzer Hounds, Making her virtually unkillable. As she slaughtered more hounds, she grew more and more happy. Her grammar skills decreased though.


And then there's Adaleied. She had rendered about 50 of them immobile with her webs, but had no idea how kill them. She couldn't get close, seeing as the hounds were all tightly packed together


As the last Blitzer Hound was slain, all three of them heard a loud, female voice tremble the mountains.

"Who dares slaughter my children!?"

[Warning! Raid Boss: Wendigo Queen Has Appeared]

Ever read a novel with a wendigo waifu? Thought so

XD_Jaegercreators' thoughts
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