
Bathed In Blood

"Oh wait! Before we go, I want to see if you can transform into a humanoid too. You're power will be reduced by 90%, but I just want to see it"

"Humanoid? Ye know how much I hate humans..."

"I actually don't, but just trust me on this"


Suddenly, Amelia was surrounded by a black and purple mist. When it cleared, Amelia looked like..."

'Like one of those snake girls from r/scalieporn...'

Amelia had the same features as her snek form. Pure black scales, a bit of void chunks here and there, and purple, well... highlights...

"Ok, now let's go"

Amelia slithered onto Gilhaz, and Gilhaz took off.

"So, what do you want to do now that we're out?

"Hmmm... we ought to go get supply's for the nest. We can't have any uninvited guests show up when we don't want em, eh?"

"That's fair. But I doubt we can fortify the nest with only two of us" Gilhaz stated.

"Oh! Could ye hold that thought? I see a cave! It looks like it's occupied to! Waddaya say we go *mhm* greet them?"

Looking at where Amelia was looking, Gilhaz did indeed see an occupied cave. It wasn't as big as hers, but it was still big nonetheless. There were some makeshift barricades, with a couple humans standing outside, presumably guarding whatever is down there. The guards seemed quite determined, so whatever was down in that cave just had to be at least significant in some way.


As the two landed, Amelia made short work of the two guards. Gilhaz then destroyed the barricades, probably alerting a good amount of people, as she both heard yelling and hurried footsteps from within.

"This is going to be quite fun..."

- (30 mins later) -


"Is that the last of them?

"Aye! I don't sense anyone else"

Looking around the room, it looked like quite the massacre. There was blood everywhere, limbs were a strew around the place, and there were numerous cracks in the stone cavern walls.

"Whew! That really got me quite hungry!"

"Aye! I haven't felt this way in months! It feels SO good!"

"You want to eat?"

"Heh, one step ahead of you lass"

Upon eating one of them, Gilhaz found a note in one of the bandit's pockets


"Hey boss, the big spider was just shipped out to blue-port. She really caused some damage here, but nothing we can't handle. She seems to have some sort of Intelligence, because she kept cussing us out. Something about how a dragon is nearby and we'll all be dead soon. Honestly, could you believe her? I had to restrain myself from slapping her cuz she's such precious cargo. Also, apparently the bug has a name! It was something like Ar-"

The rest of the note is too bloodstained to read.


[Quest Has Begun!]

[Quest: The Web Of Deception]

[Quest Type: Companion Quest]

[Quest Rewards: +500 exp, +1 Companion Slot, +1 Special Companion (???)]

[Quest Has Been Automatically Accepted]


"Huh... well that's convenient"

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