
Chapter 35

In a quiet corner of the inn, the big-breasted waiter left the three trays she was holding and rushed towards the kitchen. She did not even look at those calling out.

"Mel, you are something! That tigress is only taking care of us!"

"I can't believe it too, Florin. We can eat here!"

The burly boy watched his two friends in amazement as they tried to talk while eating. Meanwhile, he dipped his fork into the plate in front of him.

"Don't you live in this settlement? Why are you so excited?"

They both heard Mel but did not answer until they finished the food on their plate.

"Our families belong to the lower strata. They either work alongside the nobles and try to have a place to live in and have a full stomach or spend their lives for a pittance in the hardest jobs. The money they earn is only enough for porridge and a few fruits. All the meat on our plate belongs to wild creatures in the outer forest!"

While Nalt was speaking, Florin was still busy eating; now Mel seemed to understand what the settlement was like entirely.


He raised his hand and called the beautiful woman with big tits, and this pretty woman came flying as if she was waiting for this.

"How can I help you, young master?"

"First of all, my name is Mel. I'm not a young master!"

The young boy was disturbed by the behavior of the nobles who are addressed as the 'young master,' so after the waitress's way of addressing, he spoke by frowning.

"Got it, Sir!"

"Just Mel!"

"Okay Mel, do you have a request?"

The young boy, who chastened the waitress, leaned his back on the seat that had a size smaller than him and then spoke.

"We want three plates of the best wild beast meat you have and prepare me ten more servings. I'll take them as a package on the way out!"

After completing his words, he put his hand inside his outfit and pulled out a gold piece. He placed it softly under the hand of the big-breasted woman while looking around to make sure no one could see them.

"This is for you. Thank you for your sincere attitude and service!"

The waitress's body began to tremble, and she hurried away from the table, clenching his right hand holding the money.

"I think for the first time I see an employee crying with happiness in a place run by the nobles!"

Florin began speaking after wiping his mouth with his sleeve. Later, he would explain why the woman had such a huge reaction. He explained the working conditions of these people, the fact that they were working here for peanuts, and how the customers were treating them.

"The more I learn about this place, the more I miss my village and the forest. Even that wolf pack was more honest and manly than the people here!"

Mel mumbled with a sigh while the waitress brought in the top-quality meat Mel ordered with a big smile on her face.

The three friends ate and drank with joy. While leaving the inn, Mel left money on the table higher than the bill. But this time he whispered something in the big-breasted woman's ear.

"Can you share this with the kitchen workers too?"

Kindly responding to goodness was one of the legacies of his grandfather. As he possessed so much money, he couldn't help but share a small amount of it.

"Mel, we are taking a leave here. Before the food gets cold, we must go home and give it to our families. See you tomorrow morning in the Test arena."

After Nalt said goodbye to Mel, Florin also said a few words and went on his way. The burly young boy was standing alone at the crossroads.

"It's almost nighttime. I'd better learn the location of the Alchemy Department and go to support Marvina, otherwise, I won't be able to avoid her insinuation!"

Mel found his way through the tangled streets. Since it was nighttime, most shops were closed and there were very few people left to communicate in the streets.

Despite this, he did not give up and was able to find the dome-shaped structure surrounded by strange ornaments. At the outside, there were figures of various creatures with wings and people holding six wide-mouthed narrow bottomed bottles of potion.

Thinking that the exam time had passed, Mel rushed towards the entrance, but two fully-armored guards stood in front of him. They were holding their spears towards Mel.

"Stop! Introduce yourself!"

The guards didn't seem to be joking. The metal at the tips of the spears was glowing despite the darkness of the night.

"I'm Mel!"

The two guards glanced at each other when the burly young boy, almost as tall as they were, spoke. But they did not lower their guards by an inch.

"What are you doing here?"

"A friend of mine is attending the Alchemist test. I came to watch her!"

Mel gave direct answers to every question, making one of the bodyguards lower his spear and speak.

"Look, young friend, you obviously don't know anything. You cannot just enter the alchemy test freely. To be inside, you have to be either a first-degree relative of the participant or a member of the Alchemy Department or a Member of the Plant Department!"

"If you're not one of them, someone from one of the two departments should be your reference. Otherwise, you cannot go inside!"

Realizing what was happening, Mel took a step or two back, muttering the words of the guard.

"I am not a member of the Plant or Alchemy Department. Edgan must have entered as a close relative. So my only option is to have a reference. Who could be this person?"

Mel jumped up on the very spot he was. After this move, the two spears, which were previously touching the ground, quickly rose and straightened towards him.

"What are you doing boy?"

When the guard who had just spoken to him shouted, Mel began to walk with the badge given by Grumpy Hanry.

"Brother Guard, does this count for a reference?"

After seeing the badge, the guard pulled his spear back so fast that the weapon flew out of his hand and hit the marble wall behind him.

"Are you kidding us? Why didn't you say that you are a student of Lord Hanry, Deputy Head of the Plant Department?"

As Mel was caught in the changing environment, he began to talk stutteringly when the other guard joined the conversation.

"Your master has already arrived, get in quickly!"

When his words were over, they literally grabbed Mel by the arm and threw him in. They were even gossiping after him as the young boy was walking in with timid steps.

"Young people these days are very disrespectful. How can a student come after his master?"

"You are right, but his master is famous Grumpy Hanry. I can't even imagine the scolding he will get."

Hearing it all, Mel continued to walk with a slight smile. So the man, whom Mel equalized his record, gave him a badge that could only be given to his personal students.

When he finished the path in such thoughts, Mel got petrified. As a very interesting sight appeared before him, he began to examine the surroundings first.

As the end of the road opened into the dome-shaped building, he found himself at the top spot, not on the ground. At the top of the building, there was a cavity that was exactly the opposite of the dome shape. With the audience areas rising in rows on the edge, it was reaching as far as where Mel was now standing.

On the top floor, guards were lined up in every four steps. Security measures were not limited to the outside door.

Seeing that he was drawing attention, Mel headed for one of the stairs that led down into the groove and he began to look for a seat.

As he was going down with quiet steps, no one but the guards was aware of him. Meanwhile, a pair of eyes were watching his every step.

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