
Chapter 100: Destruction(2)

"...Brother, are you certain that'll be the tower we'll tear down? Are we four people even capable of destroying that?"

Liam then pointed to the distant big stone tower, which is ringed by high rock walls. The tower stands roughly 300 meters tall, while the stone walls stand approximately 100 meters tall.

Spencer, Liam, and Lina, who were in disguise, stared in awe at the massive tower in front of them, while Luke simply crossed his arms.

"It's a lot bigger than I anticipated. Those scumbags have truly excelled themselves in terms of war preparation."

Lina then shifted her gaze to Luke.

"Hey, brother, should I summon the rest of the crew? That tower is big, thus I doubt we'll be able to completely destroy it on our own.

"No, there's no need to summon others. We are capable of destroying it on our own."


"I believe you have forgotten about me."

Nash then undid his invisibility and triumphantly grinned at Lina, who was staring at him in surprise.

"That tower will be simple to knock down, albeit it will be obnoxious and noisy."

Lina blinked a few times before becoming agitated. She then bowed 90 degrees because she was nervous.

"I apologize for forgetting that the great and powerful one is on our side!"

Nash then cast an uneasy glance towards Lina, who is still bowing at a 90-degree angle to him.

"It's all right. There's no need to kowtow like that."

Lina then raised her head and noticed Luke and Nash staring at her, which caused her to flush and straighten up.

Luke merely sighed as he looked at her actions. He then turned to face the distant false magic tower.

"Let's get going."

The group nodded and raced forward, leaping from the cliff they were standing on. While sprinting, Luke instructed each of them on what they should do.

"I'll leave the rock barriers to you, Spencer. I need you two to look after the guards, Liam and Lina. Nash and I will enter the tower."

The entire group nodded and responded at the same time.


The party could see that they were getting closer to the tower, which Luke noticed and reminded them of.

"Keep in mind, no killing."

Before nodding, the group gave Luke a peculiar look. Luke nodded in satisfaction at their response, and they all dashed to their various positions.

One of the guards stationed around the wall saw someone approaching him and shouted.

"What?! Intruders-!"

Lina had already struck the guard out before he could complete his statement. However, the other guards had already heard their colleague's scream and had raced forward to confront the invaders at the same time.

But, of course, never stood a chance against them and were quickly knocked out. The others noticed this and were going to charge until they heard a distant rumbling sound.

Rumble! Rumble! Boom!

When the soldiers turned around, they saw a swarm of huge mana arrows heading straight towards their walls. The guards were taken aback by this.

"What the hell is going on- ugh!"

Lina knocked out the guards right away, causing him to stop speaking and walk ahead.


Lina and Liam shifted their gaze to the massive tower's summit. On the roof, there were red flashing lights. It appears that the adversaries have been notified.

Despite being spotted and being ambushed constantly, Spencer, Lina, and Liam continued to move forward and demolish everything in their path, making the local adversaries dread them.

"How are they so powerful?!"

"Who are they?"

"Call the king! Hurry!"

When Liam overheard the troops discussing reporting to the king, he dashed towards them.

"You are not going to report to anyone."

Liam cut the troops with his sword and knocked them out. He even hacked off some of their limbs so they wouldn't be able to move once they were awake.

Liam glared coldly and darkly at the torn carcasses wriggling helplessly on the ground.

"No one is going to stand in our way."

After saying that, Liam moved forward and continued slicing.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Wow, this is exhausting."

Spencer said as he continued to fire enormous mana arrows at the tall stone barriers. He realized that with their few numbers, destroying this structure would be difficult. Even Spencer was worn out from just dealing with the walls.

But he isn't truly exhausted; in fact, he is brimming with vitality. He was only being lazy and wished to return home to play with his siblings.

Spencer just shakes his head and keeps shooting arrows while adjusting his glasses. He then turned his gaze to the tower, where he noticed the gleaming silver hair approaching towards the tower.

"Seriously, the jerk never sleeps, haa."


"Hmm? Who is it this time?"

When Spencer sensed a mana orb hurtling at him, he swiftly dodged. When he turned to see where it came from, he saw a light brown-haired man dressed in archmage attire flying madly towards him. Spencer stared blankly at him for a few moments before recognizing who he was.

"Ah! Are you Adam? Who is going to be the next archmage, according to the rumors?"

Adam gave him a snort and a scowl.

"Hmph! I may not have the title of archmage yet, but people already treat me like one! So, you fool, you'd better bow down before me!"

Spencer rubbed his ears, a bored grimace on his face. He doesn't appear to be paying attention to Adam's gibberish.

"So the reports that you were an arrogant jerk were true?"

"Wait, what did you just say?! You illiterate moron!"

Adam was so enraged by Spencer's arrogance that he quickly summoned a fireball and shot it at him. Spencer, on the other hand, was quicker, casting shield magic to intercept the fireball and firing two fire arrows at Adam. Adam was taken aback by the quick counterattack at first, but he was able to avoid it in time.

Spencer grimaced as he watched Adam's slimy and unpleasant actions.

"Tsk, you have the appearance of a serpent. I expect this conflict to drag on for a long time."

Adam gave him an insolent smile.

"Ha! Do you believe you have a chance to win against me?"

"Without a doubt,"

Splash! Spurt!

"Ah, look at them, they're having a good time."

Lina looked up to see Spencer fighting the archmage candidate and Liam slicing his way through the enemy with ruthlessness. He might even break Luke's orders and kill at least half of the people here at this point.

Lina looks around, twirling her dagger in her fingers with a bored expression. Then she noticed a swarm of people charging towards her. She then let out a sigh.

"I suppose I should give it my all as an apology for almost forgetting about brother Nash."


Lina deflected the enemy's careless attack and softly stabbed his back, just as she had been trained to do. She then turned to face the rest of the opponents in her immediate vicinity, waiting for the appropriate moment to strike.

"What are you all waiting for? Come attack me so that I can sacrifice your bodies to Nash. You cowards."

After being labeled cowards, the opponents clenched their teeth and charged ahead. Lina took a position and sliced the opponents as they approached one by one.

Blood is gushing out of everywhere, and Lina is drenched with it. But she didn't seem to mind and continued slicing.

However, it appears like she slashed too much, obstructing her eyesight with the blood spurting from the dead bodies.

Then something happened.

Lina saw a pointed weapon that looked like an arrow approaching her eyes in a single second. The weapon had gotten too close for her to avoid. She cursed herself as she watched the pointed arrow of death approach her right eye.

'Holy shit, will I go blind now?!'

Lina's lips were pursed and her fists were clenched. Sweat beads are developing on her head and back, slowly mingling with the blood on her body.

'If I could halt this arrow at the perfect moment, it wouldn't pass through my brain and kill me. Sorry, Mom, but I suppose I'll have to start wearing an eye patch from now on.'

Lina also knew how deadly Luke was at this point. This was the type of predicament he was in all of the time. She then grinned cruelly, regretting that she had looked down on him too much.


A slash of bright red light went by her seconds before the arrow could reach her eye and hit- no, more like destroyed- the arrow. Lina took a step back in disbelief and sat down on the ground. She then rubbed her right eye and took a deep breath.

"Lina! Are you all right?"

Lina then looked at Liam, who was running towards her, tears in her eyes and heavy breathing. She then noticed Liam moving in front of her and activating his crimson aura towards someone she couldn't see due to Liam's back facing her.

"Who are you?"

Liam drew his blade and aimed it towards the silhouette of a man in the darkness. He flinched when he saw the stranger slowly walking forward, the light revealing his entire physique.

The figure was a mysterious man with dark pink hair. He's wearing a red mask that covers half of his face and wielding a weird L-shaped weapon with a smoking tip, similar to how canons look after they've done firing. Liam had a puzzled expression on his face, but he continued to point his sword at the man.

He saw it, the swift blazing light that came from that unusual weapon that not only shattered the arrow, but also killed some foes in its path. He could see how the adversaries' heads burst out when the flaming light collided with them.

And that's not all; this man has an immense amount of deadly aura around him. He reminds him of Nash... But much stronger.

'This man is a threat!'

Liam's expression became serious as he glanced at the unknown man who was quietly approaching them, seemingly unaffected even by the presence of a swordmaster.

Liam was going to slash his sword at the man as he approached his attack range, but...


The mystery weapon's red blazing light struck the hilt of his sword again, causing his sword to fly away from his grasp. Liam tightened his fists and stared down at his trembling hands, which were almost struck by the searing light. That light has a significant amount of strength and effect, and it makes his handshake.

'Who is he?'

Liam then noticed the man approaching Lina and was going to charge forward despite his trembling hands but he noticed the man suddenly crouched in front of Lina.

Lina came to a halt, her whole body still trembling, as she stared at the masked man in front of her. The man seemed to sense this as well, as he carefully lifted his hand and placed it on top of Lina's head. He slowly pats her on the head.

Lina and Liam's eyes shook as a result of the man's unexpected movements, but the man didn't seem to mind and pulled some medicine from his bag and placed it in front of Lina. He then slowly stood up and walked back into the darkness, slowly dissipating his presence.

"You... you can't truly disregard the people who are in need, can you?"

The pink-haired man turned to face the man who stood near the bushes, waiting for him. The pink-haired man simply remained mute as the man sighed and grinned at him.

"Anyway, the archer who fired that arrow isn't your average archer. Every knight stationed here wields a sword or a spear. I don't think anyone has a bow and arrow."

The pink-haired man nodded silently and gazed up at the tower. The man then grinned and raised his head.

"It appears that you have observed as well. Shall we extend a greeting to this archer? And... That fascinating silver fellow."

A/N: Hello! At last, we have finally reached the 100th chapter! Hooray! I would like to thank all of the readers who managed to come this far and supports my story! I truly appreciate you guys! Please continue to support as it really helps my lazy self be motivated haha!

Also happy birthday to me! And since this is a special day I did a surprise update!

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