
World Knowledge

Somewhere in the endless universe a beautiful star floated around. it had vibrate life and was beautiful, on the ground you could see and hear tons of laughing children, friends talking, trades happening, parents laughing, and elders enjoying their last days in their respective parts of the world. Everything was at peace well at least how peace used to look at it purest form. No fighting has ever came to this realm not has anyone had any thoughts of war and blood it was just peace.

Well as expected nothing this good could last forever... now can it? Or maybe the right path to endless peace hasn't been found. Who knows not even the the ancients of our universes first beginnings knew the answer.

If one was to look for the realm now nothing would or could be found no matter how hard tried. Instead you will find scattered debris. Yes that world was destoryed. By what? Well no one knows all traces to that world have been erased besides the broken pieces of the plant. If you would like to know then search for the answer from heaven and earths will, if they don't then ask the worlds will, and if even they don't ask the -----.

Other stars formed and life grew on them and soon millions of them were everywhere. Yet it was never like the first nor did any star cross certain boundarys in the sky nor come close to the first stars debris.

Millions of people have searched for the first star yet no one told them it existed they just knew. wether it was demons, humans, monsters, or any other creature. They all knew about the first star of enternal peace yet no one could find the main body not even in the void. Spacecrafts were first used and were very small, soon they became larger and even artificial stars were made as a home for people who search for the first star. Soon spaceships disappeared as cultivation grew more and more and it wasnt needed, but the stars they created stayed.

Real stars could never get near without exploding so they resorted to this. As it stand cultivation as you know it is wrong and what you call colorful saint was just the end of the first stage of cultivation. But it couldn't be helped as the farther stars were made from the first the less and less world energy they had.

So the first star could be reconsidered as the center of the universe while the boundarys dont exist. For proper cultivation the order is as follows.

The pre stages

-Body Gathering

-Core Formation

-Spirit promotion

the start

-sprouting seeding

-Growing Stage

-Flowering stage

-Blooming Stage

-withering Stage

-Water Formation

-waterdrop stage

-streaming stage

-Flowing creation

-River stage

-Stable creation

-clear pond

-endless Lake

-boundless ocean

-Crashing creation

- ------

- ---------

Currently You have ascendes body Gathering state in an unorthodox matter and have traveles closer to the center. But dont get to cocky as they road to the center is a lot longer than you think. Even if you are now half dragon.



You probably haven't heard anything just now. and thats probably happened a few times now. Why? Its because your unqualified to know. If you want answers become stronger and find them yourself. Now awaken-The voice faded as Jiang Hao's conciousness awakened.

I'll look foward to our meeting, my the worlds luck be with you. Stand with me ----- my ----------.

Jiang Hao soon awakened in a small room on a bed.

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