
The Final Step

A week has passed since the arrest of Luke Wilson and today was his trial. During the week that Luke was in jail waiting for his trail, Aziel rescued Ren's mother when she was found to be alive, while Zith and Nova collected more evidence of the relation to Luke and his crime's but also the crime's Lana committed

Ren introduced Aziel to his mother, he was worried at first but turns out that Aziel and his mother both had a lot in common quickly becoming friend's. Though they mostly just talked about Ren.

Aziel was driving Ren and Maria to court, as Maria and Ren were witnesses of the crime's Luke committed.

"Mom, are you nervous?" Ren asks, holding his mother's hand and squeezing it for comfort.

"I'm fine Ren, there is no need to worry I've been holding on to this secret for so long so it'll be good to get it out" Maria says a smile on her face

"Yea I guess I'm the one who's really nervous" Ren says taking a deep breathe

"You have the right to be nervous Ren anyone would be nervous in your shoes" Maria says comfortingly

"She's right Ren there's no need to worry" Aziel adds in

"Maybe your right" Ren says turning to stare out the window

'Zith how's Freya doing'

'The female lead is fine, it seems that the love rival forgot about her and has been worrying about the female lead's dad instead'

'You know Zith for someone who got chosen to be a host she's not the smartest, is there a way for how you systems chose a host?'

'Well some systems are assigned a partner while others get to choose, but overall it really depends on the system, for example our system is for counter attacking against main characters who've become evil or just counterattacking for cannon fodder's who've had tragic lives. Most of the world's you've been in so far are one's with main character's who have become corrupt or evil, in this world's case the main character went insane and killed everyone which destroyed this world, so depending on the system we chose different hosts. For the love rival's system it's so weak that it probably just chose anyone it could find'

'What you said makes sense but why did you choose me, I mean I was nothing special in my first life, though it's been so long that I can barely remember it.'

'I guess it was the way you forgave the person who betrayed you so easily, and also a bit of the fact that I felt bad for you'

'I guess I should say thank you then, thank you for making my life more fun'

'You shouldn't thank me it's because of me that you went through so much after all'

'But even then I feel much happier now' Ren says looking at Aziel and his mother

They arrived at the courthouse and began walking towards the building.

"You ok? you were looking lonely back there" Aziel asked rubbing Ren's shoulders

"I'm fine, amazing actually" Ren says smiling a bright smile

"I'm glad" Aziel says a soft smile appearing on his face

Maria watched the two, a smile on her face

"You two are so cute if only I could've had something like that" Maria says sighing a teasing tone in her voice

"Mommmm" Ren says embarrassed

"We better get going or they'll start before us" Maria says while Aziel laughed and Ren pouted

Just as they were about to walk into the room he stopped, took a deep breathe then walked in

As Ren walked in he saw both Lana and Luke, Luke looked relaxed while Lana was walking around nervously. Ren, Aziel, and Maria sat down in the court as the defendant and plaintiff stated their evidence and called witnesses to the stand then finally it was Maria's turn.

Maria grew more confident as she walked to the stand.

"Do you promise to state the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" The judge said

Maria placed her hand on the book and repeated what the judge said to say

"You may begin then" The judge said

The plaintiff and defendant went back and forth asking Maria questions before finally she could leave the stand. Next it was Ren's turn, after all the witnesses and evidence was presented the judge and the jury talked and finally came to an adjudication. The judge knocked their gavel on the stand. Luke looked relaxed as Lana stood next to him looking hopefully


"WHAT, NO THERE MUST BE A MISTAKE" Luke shouted out as the offer's came to arrest him

Lana seeing this went crazy "NO, NO, NO THIS ISN'T WHAT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN, FIRST THE STUPID SYSTEM LEAVES NOW THIS" Lana yelled and resisted the officer's but it was all useless.

Both Luke and Lana were arrested for their crimes and Ren, Aziel and Maria went back home.

Sorry for the late update, I was busy doing some school stuff! But I'm back now, I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I tried using all the correct terms for the court trail but I'm not really good with these things so correct me if anything was wrong! The next update will most likely be the last one to this arc, so be prepared for that! I've also been a bite stressed lately with school and writing so my update schedule might become a bit unstable but I promise to post when I can!!

Rosey_Lilucreators' thoughts
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