
The truth

Ren awoke, light shining into his room through the window. Ren got up in a daze wondering where he was, after a few seconds he realized he was back "home". The thought of this place being his home left a bad taste in Ren's mouth but he ignored it thinking that it was because he got used to living with Aziel. After finishing his morning Ren sat in his bed in a daze not knowing what to do. A few minutes later his mother came in pulling him to eat breakfast. As Ren ate his mother watched him silently with a sad smile on her face.

"Mom, is something wrong?" Ren asks

"No nothing, I- I want to tell you something after you finish your food" Maria says with a determined look on her face.

"Ok" Ren says nodding and quickening his eating pace

Ren quickly finished his meal, Maria led him to his room sitting him down on the bed

"What is it mom?" Ren says holding his mom's hand in a comforting manner

"Your father, I will tell you everything about him and why I hide him from you" Maria says looking around to make sure no one was around

"Are you sure? You don't have to mom not if you don't want too" Ren says his expression serious

"I'm sure, back before I had you my family was actually quite wealthy and I went to a prestigious high school where everyone there had money. In high school I was in a friend group with Freya's father Luke Wilson, Rosa Maine, and Frank Rosbi. Rosa was in love with Frank and they started dating our second year of high school and me and Luke did too. A year before we graduated I became pregnant. I was happy but Luke and my parents were not. I was kicked out of my home when I said i wouldn't get an abortion and Luke took me in, convincing me to work as a maid in his house. Years later I found out Rosa died, I was devastated, though we hadn't talked in years she was still one of my closest friends'' Maria took a deep breath before continuing

"Then one day in a drunken rage Luke told me that he was always in love with Rosa, but Rosa never loved him back and when he found out that Rosa and Frank had a child together he was furious hiring someone to kill them both he succeeded with Rosa but not Frank. You were 5 at the time and Luke after waking up the next morning convinced me to not turn him in by using you. I fell out of love with Luke then but I couldn't leave. I had nowhere else to go and had you to take care of so I stayed, through his marriage, through the birth of Freya, to now. But I won't stay silent anymore I will tell everyone what happened, and I have evidence to back it ups Luke thought I was a love sick girl, and I was but I wasn't stupid."

Maria pulled out a folder showing Ren the documents inside, the documents showed the information about Luke hiring a killer and how he killed Rosa.

Ren was shocked, he tried processing all the information he was just given. And slowly he did.

"So Frey is my half sister and Mr. Wilson is my father and a murder?" Ren says disbelief showed in his expression

"Yes, I'm sorry I never told you" Maria says holding Ren's hand while showing a nervous expression after seeing Ren's reaction

"No it's fine I'm just shocked really shocked" Ren says showing a small smile to reassure his mother

"I will leave you alone for now" Maira says leaving the document and walking out the door

Ren laid down on his bed continuing to process

A few days passed and it was evening time, Ren was walking to his room when he heard his mother's voice.

"I really didn't take it believe me" Maria said

"I know you did your the only one who knew" Mr Wilson says looking furious

"I said I didn't" Maria replied not showing a hint of weakness

"YOU TELL ME NOW" Mr. Wilson says grabbing onto Maria's shoulders

"Let go I said I don't have it" Maria says contuinging to play dumb

"YOU" Mr. Wilson says pushing Maria back

Ren watched as his mother fell and hit her head, blood dripping from her wound as her eyes widened in shock. Ren let out a gasp in shock but Mr. Wilson heard

"Ren is that you it's not what it looks like" Mr. Wilson says walking towards Ren with an eerie calm expression on his face

Ren recovered from his shock, quickly running to his room and locking the doors.

"Ren come out" Mr. Wilson said through the doors

"REN" Mr. Wilson yelled

"GUARDS OPEN THE DOOR" Mr. Wlison yelled

As guards surrounded Ren's room one kicked the door down to see nothing inside except an open window.

"CHASE AFTER HIM" Mr. Wilson yelled

The guards ran quiclky after Ren, seeing his shadow they chased after it. Ren ran as they chased after him. Bullets flying around him, he felt a pain in his leg, but didn't stop. His adrenaline took him. Tears fell down his face as he ran. He kept running and running until he was near the forest outside of Aziels house. The guards were nowhere in sight now as his adrenaline had taken him far away from them. Ren continued to cry, continuing until he fainted from exhaustion. Still tightly holding on to the last thing his mother gave to him

Hi, Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Hopefully this chapter didn't make you too upset :) Did you have a good day? If you didn't I hope you know that I love you all and that it will get better! Sorry I probably sound sappy but it's true

Rosey_Lilucreators' thoughts
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