
Chapter 207 ( Stalking )

"Herman Willem Daendels," Steylla explained the name in a calm manner.

Reihan gave a faint smile.

"A politician and governor of the Dutch East Indies in the 1800s. You have wanted to fool me?"

Steylla frowned as the lie she had uttered carelessly, was easily seen by Reihan. So she then gave a cynical look.

"Should I answer that? And, why did you suddenly become so curious?"

Dodge. That's what Reihan saw of Steylla. So that, Reihan moved forward and didn't want to back down.

"Why did you look reluctant to received this question? Did that person never exist? That's why you didn't want to say his name?"

Steylla bit her lower lip. Starting to feel pinched. But she didn't want to be defeated. Steylla was finally forced to answer.

"Gotthargo Nicollas, he is an artist like my brother. But his art was more moving on sculpture. Did I manage to answer your question?" Steylla's arrogant gaze showed.

Reihan still has a flat expression.

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