
Chapter 146 ( Insensitive Person )

Alfin exactly had known in general how the woman had betrayed Harry. But he can't predict for sure how much Harry hated her.

Alfin, for now, could only assume that Harry certainly just tried to be professional of still accepting Aretta as his co-worker.

Knowing that it was not an easy thing for Harry to accept. But without Alfin realizing it, Harry actually had no feelings for Aretta. And thought of the woman as a pseudo shadow.

"Is that why you gave the project to Cleo?" asked Alfin who could now at least understand some things.

Alfin then laughed mischievously.

"It turns out that woman gave a quite strong influence on you, huh?" Alfin teased. Harry looked straight at him. Alfin hastily shifted the conversation to something lighter.

"Then why do you have to go to that office to accompany your wife, when you are lazy to meet her?" asked Alfin who did not agree.

Harry didn't say anything. Until Alfin finally caught something.

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