
Chapter 070 ( Woman With a Thick Make-up )

There were indeed many ranks of other beautiful women around them. But the word match and commensurate can rarely be found for those who appeared too conspicuous. So that Cleo's appearance, which was simple but also presentable, was able to make many pairs of eyes look at them since they were curious.

Seeing Steven and Cleo shaking hands longer time than the handshakes were normally supposed to happen. Harry grabbed Steven's hand to join him in shaking hands.

"It is also an honor for me to see you return safely after 5 years in the middle of nowhere. Are you back now to continue your work here?" Harry said, starting the conversation.

Steven seemed to think for a moment.

"I have no idea. It depends on who will be my inspiration," he said, glancing at Cleo a little. And Harry followed his glance.

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