

He grabbed the chips and saw Harry eating some chips as well. He silently observed him.

The way that Harry chews his chips was adorable in Louis's opinion, especially with those small crunching sounds he makes and the crumbs left all over his face.

Harry looked over at Louis.

"What?" he said. "Why are you staring?"

"I-" Louis started but was cut off.

"Am I that attractive while eating chips?"


"Does it remind you of our first date?"

And those exact words triggered a flashback to Louis's first date with Harry.


Louis got ready as best as he could. He wanted casual but not too casual. He didn't want anything fancy.

So he decided to take Harry on a date to the skateboard park. That way Harry could show off his new skateboarding skills to Louis.

Afterwards, they would go home and watch some movies. Louis would grab permission from Harry's mum so Harry could sleep over. Of course, no sex.

So he got on his skateboard and rode all the familiar way to Harry's house.

When he got there, he knocked on the door. Apparently, a girl that looked a lot like Harry answered the door.

"Hello," she said. "You must be Louis."

"Yeah," he replied. "Where's Harry?"

"He's getting ready. I'm Gemma by the way."


All of a sudden, Harry came out. He was wearing an oversized hoodie and some black skinny jeans.

Louis was awestruck at Harry's outfit. How could a boy look so beautiful if they were only going to the skateboard park?

"Wow," Louis breathed out. "You look amazing."

"Thanks," Harry blushed at the compliment. "So do you."

The two boys stopped blushing and Harry went to go grab his skateboard. The two of them then skated all the way to the skateboard park.

Harry visibly gulped once he saw where they were practicing. Some of the kids were practicing tricks on their skateboard. Others were just hanging out with their friends.

"Uhhh," Harry let out.

"What?" Louis replied.

"I'm scared."

"Don't be. I'll help you."

And so, Louis helped Harry skate around with his skateboard. They had fun for about three hours before they went home.

Just then, a blonde girl came up to the two of them. She was only looking at Harry, though.

"Hey," she said flirtatiously at Harry. "I'm Olivia."

"Sorry," Harry replied. "I'm gay."

Olivia sighed and went back to another friend.

"Come on, Jason," she muttered angrily. "He's gay, so I can't be with him."

The guy named Jason shot an apologetic smile at Harry.

"Sorry for her," he said. "She flirts with anyone."

"It's okay," Harry responded as he clung to Louis's side. "Can't help being attractive."

Louis rolled his eyes and smiled fondly at Harry.

Soon they left the park and went to Louis's house. Apparently, Louis's mum was at work and his sisters were at their dad's.

That meant that he and Harry had the whole house to themselves.

He quickly grabbed some popcorn and chips for the movie night. Harry quickly chose the movie.

"Seriously?" Louis sighed. "The Notebook?"

"Yes," Harry smiled. "It's my favorite movie."

Louis groaned. He hated this movie, but Harry was Harry so he agreed.

Harry had already grabbed some of the chips and stuffed them into his mouth. He started crunching them loudly.



"Am I crunching too loudly?"

"No you're not. What makes you think you are?"

"The fact that everyone I know has felt the need to complain about it."

"I don't care. I think your crunching is a beautiful sound, babe."

Apparently, Louis made Harry blush with that compliment. He felt so proud of himself when he realized that Harry was nervous around him.

Sure enough, thirty minutes into the movie, Harry's first tear rolled down his cheek. Louis wiped it away with his thumb.

By the end of the movie, the two lads had their cheeks stained with tears.

"See, this is why I hate this movie!" Louis exclaimed as he wiped away yet another tear. "It makes me cry every fucking time."

"Same," Harry said. "This is why I love it."

Louis then put Grease on. Harry fell asleep to Louis's melodious voice singing along.

Louis looked over at the sleeping beauty that was Harry. He looked cute while sleeping. Especially curled up to Louis's chest.

His curls were all over the place and his lips were slightly agape. He let out soft snores while sleeping and he had a little bit of drool.

Louis hugged Harry closer and managed to fall asleep on his own.

He was lucky to have someone like Harry in his life.


Louis came out of his flashback and glared at Harry. Harry was staring at him.

"What are you looking at?" Louis sassily commented.

"What do you mean?" Harry replied. "You were looking at me first."

"No I wasn't! And if I was, it wasn't on purpose!"


The conversation was left at that.

Next chapter