



Unfortunately, the one boy that Louis never wanted to see in his life ever again was right in front of him.

Louis's cheating ex-boyfriend, Harry Styles.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked.

"Liam wants me to meet a friend of his," Harry was quick to reply. "You?"

"Zayn wanted me to meet a friend of Liam's."

Just then, Liam came up to the two of them.

"Looks like you two have history between you guys," he said.

"He's my ex-boyfriend," Louis replied.


"Who happened to cheat on me with his best friend," Louis added on.

Then, flashbacks to the day Louis and Harry met went through Louis's head.


Louis put on his usual band t-shirt and his usual jeans along with some Vans to go to the shithole that was school.

Today was Monday. Louis hated Mondays.

He went downstairs and grabbed some cereal and some orange juice for breakfast. Of course, he ate the same breakfast every morning.

He kissed his mother goodbye and went and dropped off his siblings at school. Yup, Louis would do anything for his family.

He met up with his best friend Zayn and smoked some cigarettes before going to class. Louis has been friends with Zayn for the past five years and has grown to trust him with everything.

Soon he threw away his cigarette and went inside the school to his locker.

On the way there, however, he bumped into a kid, sending the kid's books flying everywhere.

Louis looked at the ground where the kid fell. He was the most beautiful kid he's ever seen with his dark brown curls and his emerald green eyes.

"Oops," the boy said.

"Hi," Louis answered.

He helped the boy pick up his books and handed them to him.

"I'm Louis," he told the boy.

"I'm Harry," the boy responded.

And with that, Harry hurried off to his next class. Louis went to his locker like he intended to do in the first place with thoughts of Harry in his mind.

'He's so perfect,' Louis thought as he remembered the curly-headed lad with his deep voice and green eyes.

All of a sudden, Zayn approached him from behind.

"Hey," he said.

"What do you want?" Louis replied.

"You know that kid you bumped into?"


"He's new."


"We should invite him over to your house and hang out."


And with that, Louis skipped to class with thoughts of Harry in his mind.



Louis glared at Zayn.


"You okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, I just thought that since you told me you never wanted to see Harry ever again after he cheated on you..."

"Oh. Thanks."

Zayn looked into Louis's eyes.

"Hey," he said. "If you want, I could take you home. Just tell me."

"Thanks," Louis replied. "But I don't want to miss the fun. Plus, I have to get to know Niall."

"Oh, okay. Just remember to tell me if you need anything."


And with that, Zayn left Louis alone and went to talk to Liam.

Which left Louis with Niall and Harry.

Next chapter