
HELP (Letter to the LORD)

Dear Heavenly Father,

So many words can say so many things. To repeat a message without repeating the message. Sometimes, I wonder if it's a sign. Am I growing from the issue and overcoming the hurdle? Or am I just as bad as if nothing has changed? I could try to convince myself that progress has been made. But, you never really know until you do. God, have I done any good?

No one is perfect. No one has reached the peak of true holiness (many people dwell on this Earth, so maybe I'm wrong. Congrats to said person or people if they have achieved the ultimate level). Each day comes as a blessing. A chance to fix things and do right. With every hour, I try. You are always on my mind. When I'm cleaning, You're in there. When I'm scrolling through YouTube, You remind me to be careful what I allow myself to see and hear. When I speak, the words I utter are thought over. What can I say? How could I have handled that better? Like a silent, yet powerful explosion, You have stormed You're way into my life. And words are not enough to express how grateful I am.

You are amazing, Father. I love you...but...something isn't right. I know that I suck as a human being. Despite my efforts, I lack so much. Potential floats aimlessly. As much as I try to be optimistic and believe in Your plan, dying has its beauty. The nature is indescribable. The night of my baptism, I will admit, I'm surprised I didn't go right then and there. To be born again is to reject your old ways and turn unto Your ways. I'm confident that I am pushing to do just that. Things are not the same as before. At least, that is what I keep reassuring myself.

I'm no saint Father. We both know this and I hate it. I can wish to be this angelic, godly child that can take on anything and everything. One day, I hope for that to be true. For now though, I am not content. From one point of view, this seems ungrateful. When in actuality, it is appropriate. Why be content in a world meant to pass away? A world pumping you up so much so your downfall can be that much greater? I seek You Yahweh, for You are forever and true. All of Your plans are perfect. You are perfect. To match what You do is impossible. I would rather be kept on my toes in attempts to follow You than to give into the world's wicked ways. While I cannot speak for the future, I pray this remains.

It appears as though that this is the only thing I know for sure. I know nothing of myself that a typical human would know. Sure, allergies, health, and food. Whatever. I meant deeper than the surface. Writing is a love of mine, but that is the single factor that I can say besides You or family. I feel like everyone is in my head and wherever I am just decided to jet to Tahiti or something. We are meant to find ourselves as we grow up. The world taught us that. Really, our identity lies within You. And even then...I have yet to find mine.

I shift so much that Quicksilver wouldn't be able to make sense of it. Knowing, unknowing, knowing, unknowing. It's more puzzling than a puzzle. How am I supposed to carry out Your plans without a sense of self? You are not the author of confusion and I would never want to accuse You of such. It's me who is confused. It's me who never seems to get it. And if I don't get it, well, what is there left to do?

Dear Heavenly Father. Today at this very moment and time, I say to You what I have always believed. That You come first and everything You do has a purpose. Whether seen or unseen, You are busy at work. No, I cannot confirm how easy it is to trust what appears invisible. But, faith keeps me going. Faith keeps me in check. Faith helps me remember that somewhere, an identity is present. Either a lifetime or the next year, it is out there, waiting for me to uncover it. So as heavy as this heart is, Your push is my lifeline. Help oh LORD. Strengthen me. Strengthen us all. For without You, we are lost.



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