

April 8, 2008

Anchorage, Alaska - 11:05 pm

Charlene lay in the middle of the torture chamber. She was cold from the tiles beneath her, and wet from lubricants and cum sprayed from her thighs to her face and hair, and there was cum and lubricant puddled below her from drawing out of her vagina and rectum.

Jarring light stung her hot swollen eyes, and with a single shallow cough sperm exploded from her mouth to splatter across her face and run down her cheeks to join the cum already matting her raven black hair. With her throat abused by choking and fucking, she couldn't swallow the rest of the sperm in her mouth. A creamy film covered her teeth, sank into her gums, and ran down and pooled once again at the back of her mouth and throat until she choked and coughed.

Closing her eyes against the assault of the overhead light, she let darkness sweep over her once again with only a single fleeting thought. A single hope, that this time there wouldn't be any dreams, no movie real memories, and just maybe she wouldn't have to wake up to this nightmare again...


February 18, 2008

Two months earlier

Nostalgia swept over Charlene as she drove down old country roads with massive fir trees and fields and mountain scenery. Occasionally the scenery changed to long sprawling roadside farms and fields, and she stopped a few times to look at the horses. A few miles later, she stopped for an elk several hundred yards off the road and tried to take a picture of it with her phone camera. Her last stop was to snap a quick close-up of a mountain goat that had wandered down out of the hills and decided to walk down the middle of the road.

Six o'clock that morning, she left for work as usual after kissing Jason goodbye. Once she arrived at work, she informed Donald she would need the day off. She never asked for time off outside of vacation time, so she figured he shouldn't have an issue with it. When he asked why, she answered home vaguely that it was women's issues. He nodded and said he would have Silvia cover her desk while she was gone and wished her well with a hope that she was fine and that he would see her tomorrow.

Before leaving work, she texted her twin sisters, Sable and Larissa, to meet her at their favorite diner. When she arrived, Sable hugged her before sitting down at their usual table and purring, "Good morning, long time no see."

"Good morning Charlie," Larissa mumbled into her ear as she kissed her on the cheek before sitting back down as she continued, "So what's up in your world these days? Is that man of yours still a heartthrob and a machine between the thighs?"

She smiled provocatively and purred, "Mmm yes he is…"

Sable shook her head and interrupted, "As much as I would like to get the details on how Jason's dick stretched you out so nicely and stroked you to a mind blowing orgasm. First I want to know what's up. Why are you calling to meet up with us out of the blue?"

"Geez, straight to the point as always, huh, Sable," She answered with a laugh, "Can't I just want to see my sisters? I mean, it's been a while since the last time we got together hasn't it?"

Both Sable and Larissa nodded before she asked, "So what have you two been up to? How are Clide and Judas?"

"Oh God," Sable answered with an exasperated sigh, "Me and Clide have been broken up for three months now!"

"Really," She gasped, "Why didn't you call and let me know?"

"Uh, well, it was mutual so I wasn't too broken up about it," Sable answered with a wave of her hand as if it was nothing.

Looking over at Larissa, she asked, "What about you and Judas?"

"Judas took a job in New York," Larissa answered, "If it were Miami I would have gone with him, but I'm not leaving a cold wet town for another cold wet town that smells like urine year-around!"

"I see," She mumbled as she bit her bottom lip and hoped she looked appropriately distressed over what was happening in her sister's lives, but inside she was doing cartwheels, "So, how are mom, Gabby, Porsche and the boys?"

"They're doing fine," Sable answered.

Larissa shook her head and added, "You really should stay in touch with the family better, then you would know how everyone is doing."

"I know," She apologized, not wanting to upset her sister's before she made her proposal to them, "I promise I will do better!"

"Good," Sable chirped with a quick nod in satisfaction, "Because I'm tired of being the go-between for you and Gabby."

"I know, and I understand," She agreed, raising her hands in apology, "I promise I am already working on making amends. As a matter of fact that is part of why I asked you to meet me. So if I may ask, how are Gabby and Porsche?"

Larissa and Sable both pursed their identical thick pouty lips to her's in annoyance before Larissa answered, "They are as I'm sure you can imagine. You left first, then me and Sable. Ruel and Tobin stuck around and helped out longer than we did, but even they eventually moved out. Llewyn and Francesca moved to California where no one knows them, and bought wedding rings so they could live as husband and wife. Lorraine and Nanieve moved to Florida and married twin brothers. As for the rest of mom's prodigy, our little brothers and sisters are still on the farm being raised by Gabby and Porsche."

"How many are there now," She asked as she shook her head and sighed in a disbelief.

"Well, if we count Gabby and Porsche," Sable answered, her voice a resigned monotone, "Then there are seventeen, two boys, Masterson and Thompson, and fifteen girls."

Larissa shook her head angrily and sneered, "The youngest are four. So mom is due to poop out more soon!"

"How are Gabby and Porsche handling it," She asked, her tone sad and pitying for her older sister's plight.

"About as you would expect," Sable answered with a shake of her head, "Resigned to their fate, sad, and bitter. They never really got to be children and now their entire adulthood is being robbed from them as well!"

Sitting there with her sisters in a moment of silence, they all contemplated the reality that Gabby and Porsche's life could easily have been theirs, and they all sighed in unison as they thanked the heavens and stars that they had gotten away.

"So, what's going on in your world Charlie," Sable purred predatorially, eager for the latest gossip she was willing to tell about the last few months since they last saw each other.

"Well," She began with a nervous smile and biting her bottom lip as she rolled her eyes and suddenly looked away shyly, "I got a big promotion at work two weeks ago!"

"Oh congratulations," Sable and Larissa cheered.

She shushed them and continued, "If it were just a promotion I would have waited until we got together again this spring for girls night!"

Both her twins made matching 'Oh' faces and sat back as she leaned forward, and after looking around the cafe for eavesdroppers continued in a whisper, "So, do you remember when you two offered to see if we could fool Jason, and see if he could tell the difference between you two and me?"

Sable's eyes opened until they were as large as saucers while Larissa gasped in surprise. They looked at each other and smiled like horny predatory wolves with a fawn in their sights before they responded in unison, "You bet we do!"

Larissa then scrunched her forehead, shook her head, and laughed, "That was a long time ago though."

"Yeah, didn't you get pregnant with Heather right after that," Sable asked.

"Yeah," She sighed, thinking back to that day, "It's crazy to think eighteen years has passed by so quickly." With a shake of her head, she continued, her tone all business, "So here are the details. My bosses presented me with a contract to be their private. Well, um, shall we say 'Call Girl' in exchange for a law degree and a million dollars."

Sable and Larissa mouths fell open, and then as the recovered looked at each other and closed their open mouths before Sable whispered, "Are you really going to cheat on Jason, with your bosses?"

While Larissa hissed, "How long is the contract for?"

"Yes, I already am," She answered Sable, and then looked at Larissa as she continued, "The contract is for ten years."

"Why,' Larissa asked.

She smiled sensually as she purred, "Everyone has their price, and I have a million and a hundred thousand reasons."

Sable whistled a long low moanful note while Larissa asked, "So what is it you want us to do, pat your back and tell you you're doing a good thing? Because, Sable and I would die to be with Jason right now, and your fucking it up!"

"Literally," Sable added.

"Have you seen the economy? It's shit! And Jason just lost his job, so now we are living on only my income. So I'm doing this to set us up for the rest of our lives," She answered defensively.

Larissa and Sable's mouths fell open and so, with a sigh she ignored their judgement. She already knew she was fucking up her marriage. She figured that out the very first night. Instead she started filling them in on the plan, "My employers want me to stay in town at their suite during the week for the next ten years. They want to limit my sexual intimacy with Jason and any chance that he can get me pregnant. As if my not getting pregnant by him was an accident all this time!"

"It wasn't," Larissa asked.

"I thought you couldn't get pregnant after Heather," Sable added, "It's the only way I figured you hadn't popped out ten or twelve kids by now."

"Yes, well, I don't want Jason knowing that either," I stated firmly as I fixed them both with firm glares, "He must also never find out what I am doing. If he does, it will ruin everything. All the reasons I am doing this will fall apart. So, I want both of you to pose as me while I am away," Pulling out five envelopes, she handed one to Sable and one to Larissa, "Inside are exact duplicates of my license, social security card, and birth certificate."

"Who are the other three envelopes for," Sable asked.

Smiling sadly at the envelopes before looking up at her twin sisters. The three of them could easily be twins of Gabriella and Porsche. Right now, at their ages, they all looked like quintuplets, not a set of forty year old twins four years older than their thirty-six year old triplet sisters, "It's time I made amends with Gabby and Porsche…"

"So you're going to let them in on this too," Larissa asked.

She nodded, "I own them this much…and…I think it will take all five of us to keep my secret."

"Okay," Sable mumbled quietly so that no one could over hear her next words, "So we will all be fucking the same man. What if one of us gets pregnant? We are mom's daughters after all…"

"Well about that," She laughed bitterly, "By contract, I am to make absolutely certain Jason can't get me pregnant, while giving my bosses a fair chance to impregnate me. So…"

"Oh that's dastardly," Larissa hissed contemptuously, "They are planning…no, you are planning to cuckold Jason!"

She simply nodded her head 'Yes'.

Sable just stared at her sister, her mouth partly open in disappointment and asked, "So, where does that leave us?"

Charlene pursed her lips as if she had just put a lemon in her mouth, she didn't exactly like what she was doing either, then answered, "If I get pregnant, then I will need all of you to get pregnant as well…"

Sable sat back and laughed while Larissa's mouth fell open in shock. None of them had to say, but they all thought it; how quickly that could get out of control since they were all Fornasia Korrapati's daughters!

"Not only that," She continued, "We also need to look as close to exactly identical as possible. Hair, grooming, body size, breast size, and piercings..."

Larissa had three small hoops in her ears that she could already see was different from her single piercings.

"Okay, so we need to look identical. So, let's go to a lingerie store and evaluate each other," Sable suggested.

She looked to Larissa and all three of them nodded in agreement. They finished their meal and left. Meeting again at 'Victoria Secret', they picked out three bra and panty sets and went to the changing rooms. With some creative sales associate dodging, they managed to all sneak into a changing room when Sable whispered, "Okay now strip, and let's see how we measure up after nineteen years."

It was quickly apparent that they all had the same long hair though her was the longest, while Larissa's was the shortest reaching the small of her back. Larissa also had three earrings in each ear, Sable had nipple hoops in both her nipples and a clitoral hoop. The not so apparent was that her pussy was shaved smooth except for a one inch by three inch Brazilian landing strip on her pubic mound while Sable's was completely denuded of pubes via electrolysis, and Larissa's had a nicely groomed full muff.

"Well my pubes aren't coming back," Sable chuckled nastily, "So I guess you two will have to match me in this. Charlene and I will have to get a haircut, and you two will need to get your nipples and pussylips pierced!"

"Uh, not happening," Larissa denied with a firm shaking of her head, "You can take those nipple hoops and that pussy hoop out because my girls ain't have'n needles jabbed into 'em!"

Sable chuckled nastily and shook her head before she gave in, "Fine! I will remove my hoops!"

Body measurement wise, Sable was in the best shape, but this also made her breasts the smallest being D's, whereas Charlene's were large D's nearing double-D's, and Larissa's were nearly F-cups. Sable had a tight twenty-six inch waist, while both Charlene and Larissa's were twenty-eight. Sable's hips and ass were a tight thirty-eight inches, Charlene were forty inches, and Larissa's were forty-two inches wide.

"So, Sable you are going to need to coach Larissa so she can shed a few pounds," She whispered, "While you are going to need to add a few..."

"Do you really think Jason is going to notice these minor discrepancies," Larissa asked, her tone doubtful.

"He may or may not, but we noticed didn't we? Either way, I don't want to chance-it," She answered then continued, "Also, my clothes are the only ones in my house, so if you want to fit into them right you need to be my size."

"True, I guess," Sable moaned as she pinched her four pack belly in regret.

"What about Gabby and Porsche," Larissa asked.

"Hmm," Sheintoned, "Actually we may all be going on a binge diet to add some volume to our busts if their breasts are still as massive as they once were!"

"They're even bigger," Sable answered as Larissa nodded.

"Well, maybe we can have them go on a diet, and we can eat so that we meet somewhere in the middle," She quipped.

Sable and Larissa nodded, they all redressed, and then left to make all the changes need to be identical triplets. They split up when Sable and Larissa headed to the clinic that handled Sable's electrolysis with the mission of getting Larissa's pussy baby smooth too, and she headed out of town to see Gabby and Porsche.

Now, Charlene followed the old country road that led her to the final drive up to her old home… Gabriella and Porsche's home.

She pulled up behind a 2001 Subaru Forester and got out of the car. Snow still covered most of the yard causing her boots to squelch as she walked up to the porch. Feeling like a stranger, she knocked on the door and waited. When no one came, she worried that she had come when no one was home, but knocked again anyway this time much louder in case Gabby and Porsche were at the back of the house. She heard someone approaching the door well before the door handle shook as the knob was turned and the door was pulled open.

Standing in the door was an immaculately dressed and groomed Gabriella. Her hair was glossy black. Her eyes were deep dark pools of chocolate, her skin flawless taupe brown. She looked at her older sister, scrutinizing her looks and body and nodded mentally, 'Yes! Gabriella and Porsche could absolutely pass as her as well!'

The only hiccup she could see right from the start was that Gabby's breasts were easily I-cups, four to five cup sizes bigger than her, Sable, and Larissa!

Gabriella pursed her mouth unwelcomingly as she greeted her, "Hello Charlene, what brings you out here to the boonies to visit us today?"

She felt hurt in her heart when she heard her sister's voice sound so bitter and negative after so many years, but she swallowed her own negativity and the biting words that immediately popped into her head as a retort, and smiled apologetically, "Hi, Gabby…I came out here to make amends. May I come in? I need to talk to you… Please?"

Gabriella squinted her eyes at her suspiciously, pursed her mouth in a near sneer, and thought about the request. Porsche came around a corner, she too was dressed well if only in a country dress and looked at Gabriella and her. Time seemed to crawl by, but she would not leave unless they threw her off the porch, and so she stood there and patiently waited them out…

"Fine," Gabriella finally said and took a step back inviting her in.

"Follow me," Porsche commanded in a demure voice, "The children are napping, so we don't want to be loud."

Porsche led her to the back breakfast nook and pulled a chair out for her to sit in. Once she was settled, Porsche moved around the table and sat across from her with Gabby right next to her. They clasped hands like old lovers, which they were, and stared at her expectantly. She took a moment to look at the both of them before she looked down at her own clasped hands and broke the silence, "I am so sorry for what I did to you all those years ago. At first, I was so proud of myself and felt triumphant, but as the years passed I regretted what I did more and more, and I have longed for a way to make it up to you…"

She looked at Porsche as they both smiled, reached across the table inviting her to take their hands as Porsche whispered, "Nineteen years is a long time to hold a grudge. In truth, we forgave you long ago and vowed we would tell you as much if you ever apologized."

"The truth is, you didn't ruin our lives," Gabby continued as she looked at Porsche and squeezed her lover's hand, "We have always had each other. And, it has been a pleasurable, quiet little life out here raising mom's brood of children. We may not have had an opportunity to have our own… But, these last nineteen years, these kids love me and Porsche like we are their mothers."

She smiled as tears fell down her cheeks to her chin and scooting her chair back she hopped up, quickly stepped around the table, fell to her knees, and hugged Gabby like she had just finally found her mother after years of being lost!

"I've missed you so much," She cried into Gabby's breasts while Porsche stroked her hair.

It took several minutes of crying before she could gather herself enough to come to a slow sniffling stop. She kissed Gabby on the cheek and took her seat again. Pulling her purse out, she immediately pulled out two envelopes as she finished her sniffling. Looking up, she handed Gabby and Porsche each an envelope, "I have gotten myself into a contract with my employers and I need your help..."

Gabriella and Porsche both looked puzzled and were about to decline when she held up her hand to stave them off and continued, "Please, let me finish before you decide to accept or not. For reasons I don't wish to discuss in detail, I have taken a position at Gorden, Dole, and Smit where I will be gone all week for the next ten years. However, I haven't filled Jason in on the details because I don't want him to even realize that I am gone…"

Gabby and Porsche's expressions still seemed puzzled, so she continued, "Gabby, Porsche, I need you two as well as Sable and Larissa to stand in as my replacements with my husband Jason…" She watched as the information sunk into Gabriella and Porsche's minds and their eyes opened wide and their mouths dropped open before she continued, "I-I can't ever make up for what I did to you Gabby, but I hope that this will, in some small way, give back what was taken from you and Porsche."

"I…don't know what to say," Gabriella guffawed as she looked at the envelope and laughed, giddy for the first time in decades, "Thank you Charlie! thank you!"

Gabby opened her envelope with shaking hands and pulled out the contents; exact duplicates of her license, social security card, and birth certificate. Porsche opened her envelope and found she had the same things in hers. She tapped her fingers on her purse nervously, and then pulled out the third envelope and handed it to Gabriella. She took the envelope hesitantly, opened it, and then looked up at Charlene with her mouth agape, not understanding what was happening.

"I don't understand," Porsche mumbled as she looked at her copies of her identity.

"As far as Jason knows," She answered, "He is married only to me. So all of you, Sable, Larissa, and you two have to be me. The objective here is to keep Jason from knowing when I am gone for the next ten years. In order to do that, you must become me."

"Where are you going to be, that we need to stand in for you," Gabriella asked as she stared at the pages in her hands.

"I will be downtown, in Seattle, where I am contracted to stay during the week for the next ten years," She answered as she waited for Gabriella to look up. When Gabriella finally did, she continued, "What I just gave you is my will, and my marriage certificate. Gabby, if anything should happen to me I want you to step in. Take on my full identity and be Jason's wife."

Gabriella was dumbfounded. Her entire continence reflected it, as she asked, "Why me? Why not Sable or Larissa, who are your twins?"

She smiled and she blushed before she answered, "Sable and Larissa are indeed my twins, and they would love Jason in their own way, but not in the same way that you, Gabby, would love him with all your heart! I know you will love him more deeply than either of them would. You're the only one I trust to love Jason as much and more than I do! And, I know you will be fair about sharing him with the others as well..."

"Thank you Charlie," Gabriella gushed, finally standing up and coming around the table and wrapping her in a shaking, tearful hug of her own!

"So how is this going to work," Porsche asked, "Since me and Gabriella are way out here in the boonies, and we have the children to care for?"

"Good question," She purred mischievously as she began expanding on the details, "So I will be leaving my car at a rideshare location near the house. Each of you starting today with Sable, will stay with Jason for the week, Monday afternoon thru Friday morning. I will come home Friday evenings and leave Monday mornings. You all have to simulate going to work, which won't be hard for Sable and Larissa since they have jobs. However, I have a gym membership that you two can use during the day when it is your turn…"

Gabriella and Porsche both stared at her for a long time before Porsche finally voiced the question that was plaguing them, "Why are you doing this Charlie? Why us? Why now?"

Her smile faltered as she thought of her reply, "Because…Gabby, you were always more of a mother to me than mom ever was. Because, what I did to you was cruel and traitorous, and not representative of how much I love you or owe you for the unconditional love you gave me, and because blood is thicker than water. I rather share my man with my sisters whom I love, and love me in return, than lose my man to some flighty no-name woman because I wasn't there!"

Gabby and Porsche nodded that they understood, and she spent the rest of the day talking with them, ironing out the plan, before she left.

Driving home was now driving to the company suite, and once she arrived she settled in, looked around her new apartment for the next ten years and took a bath before the phone rang and she needed to get ready to go out with Randal…

Next chapter