
Strung Up

Tuesday - April 8, 2008

Anchorage, Alaska - 5:00 pm

How long had she been here, like this, now?

One hour?


Time meant nothing to Charlene with a blindfold covering her eyes. It kept her from seeing all the things Leon was doing to her, or was about to do. Sometime ago a collar had been cinched tight around her neck by Jordan. A few minutes later, she was blindfolded and then left to wait. After some indeterminable length of time Leon came and led her by the leash downstairs to the torture chamber, and then somewhere in the center of the room and told her to stay. A few seconds later, she felt someone cinching a leather cuff tight around her wrists before the same was done to her ankles.

She heard fierce whispering and realized that Jordan was buckling a leather harness around her waist. His hands caressed her skin from her belly, her hips, ass, and thighs as he bound her tight. When his fingers caressed her labia she shuddered and moaned and a smaller set of softer hands, definitively feminine, started caressing her ass cheeks...

Jordan's hands slid up her belly and cupped her breasts. He squeezed them and pinched her nipples and twisted until she hissed in pained pleasure. Simultaneously, Cindy began massaging lavender and peppermint oil into her ass cheeks. Rubbing it all the way down the deep valley between her cheeks to her anus and within seconds she felt like she was dipped in fire and ice!

Cindy continued rubbing the oil down into her thighs all the way to her knees, before coming back to her pussy. She hissed as Cindy ran her oil soaked fingers through her vulva, over her urethra to her clitoris, but not before oiling up her middle fingers and shoved them deep inside her vagina, and she howled and cried as fire and ice burned and froze the most sensitive part of her body!

Jordan and Cindy switched places as she fought against her restraints until she gave up. She stood there, her body twitching and shuddering in pain as Jordan clipped her shackled wrists to a heavy steel pipe. Next cables were clipped to her hip harness. Cindy moved in front of her and began rubbing her peppermint and lavender oil into her hairless pubic mound, and then moved up to massage it into her belly as she began to shake and her skin goosed...

Cindy was particularly thorough in rubbing under her breasts before spending a long indeterminable time massaging oil into her areolas until they tweaked as tight as humanly possible and her nipples were long and thick. She wailed and cried from the pain. She had thought that the fire in her ass, and vagina were painful. That her vulva and clitoris feeling like they were being stabbed by a million tiny icy needles was excruciating, but now, every breath of air caressing her skin felt like her nipples were being frozen, or cooked, impaled by icicles, or painted with hot oil. Then it got worse, feeling like her nipples were being filleted right off her breasts with a dull rusty knife before coming back around to feeling like they were frozen!

She shook uncontrollably by the time Jordan clipped her ankles to another pipe. She barely noticed when Cindy quit rubbing the potent oil into her chest, and so, she was completely off guard when Jordan grabbed her collar and hooked a winch cable to her. She only had time to hear the whir of the motor seconds before she felt her collar yanking her head up instantly popping her neck as she was lifted up off the floor until she was only on the balls of her feet...

She was left hanging…for a long time...

Her thighs and ass burned, and she had long since lost feeling in her calves and toes. She was left there long enough that all the oils were absorbed and finally dissipated leaving her finally able to think again, instead of howling and writhing in pain!

With clarity came the realization that her leather cuffs were clipped to the ends of a three foot steel pipe that stretched horizontally, resting against her ass cheeks. The steel pipe had a heavy duty D-ring welded in the center that dug into her spine, and was clipped to another winch cable that dropped down from the ceiling.

She was sure that the steel pipe, with it's D-ring, was able to hold probably up to fifteen-hundred pounds, so lifting her would be no problem. Besides the D-rings at each end of the pipe and in the center, there were two more D-rings welded one foot off center. From these two D-rings were cables that clipped to her hip harness so Leon would be able to position her pretty much any way he wanted to.

At the moment, he still had her standing up and hanging from her neck with only the balls of her feet able to touch the floor. With her feet locked three feet apart, she had to balance herself carefully or else the slightest of movements set her to swinging by her neck and it took a lot of effort to get her feet back underneath her before she passed out.

She knew that Cindy was always present, always watching, making sure she didn't die from hanging and asphyxiation, but she also knew Cindy wouldn't save her from the torture either. As far as Cindy was concerned, she was a willing participant, and she was! She was willing to do anything, willing to let them do anything to her, as long as there was no permanent damage. So Cindy was there only to keep her alive and whole.

"You look absolutely delicious today Lust," Leon hissed in her ear, "And since you're already pregnant, that means I don't have to worry about that anymore, so now I can introduce you to some of my clients!"

She felt a sudden moment of revulsion. The last thing she needed or wanted was more men cumming inside her. She felt Leon's fingers caress her breasts before he moved down to her belly. He didn't strafe down to her pussy though, instead he put his hand on her waist and caressed her hips and ass. He massaged each of her taupe brown cheeks before moving down to her thighs and calves, so that his attention set her to swinging by her neck!

She couldn't breathe. She gasped for air. Her eyes felt like they would soon pop out of her sockets. She was asphyxiating as Leon moved away until she was able to get her feet under her enough to stop her swinging. She could feel that he hadn't left. He was still lurking around somewhere as she gasped for air. She took several quick breaths just as she heard the hum of a motor and her collar pulled her up so that only the tips of her toes could touch the floor!

There was no gasping for air...no stopping the swinging...no relief. Just a throbbing in her head and a burning in her lungs as the last remaining oxygen in her lungs burned until she slowly exhaled. Her lips swelled up and turned purple as she struggled against her bonds. The blood vessels in her eyes exploded, setting off what felt like a chain reaction of little pops in her head, and within seconds her struggling turned into an uncontrollable shaking as her fingers and toes clawed the air as they turned purple. She felt her bladder release and hot urine run down her inner thighs to tinkled on the floor...

"You're going to kill her," Cindy screamed, followed by the sounds of a struggle!

She felt every muscle in her body cramp as she tried to reach the floor, and the winch hummed again and she was lifted up until her toes only touched air as she swung by her neck. She began shaking in violent convulsions, and then darkness swept over her as her whole body went limp...


She opened her eyes and looked around at a vast expanse of darkness all around her. She wanted to scream but she couldn't. She wanted to move her body but she wasn't able to. Not that it mattered, floating in nothingness as she was, there was nothing to push off from, nothing to swim through, nothing to stand on. Even if she could move her body, all she would have been able to do would be to float.

Lightning arced out of the nothingness and slammed into her lighting her up like a lightbulb and cooking her inside and out!

There was a thunderous boom that shook her like a rag doll, and then somewhere far away in the distance she heard 'Badabum...'


(Badabum… Badabum...)

As the weird resonating drum beat became more steady…more rhythmic, she could hear a buzzing that slowly changed to a mumbling, and as she waited in the darkness the mumbling slowly sharpened to someone yelling at the far end of a very long tunnel that slowly moved closed until they were yelling just far enough away that she was out of sight!

"Oh fuck!"

"Oh Thank God!"

"She's back!" Cried a voice she was certain she knew but couldn't recall at the moment. The name and face were right on the tip of her brain, then like a mist in the morning sunlight it evaporated!

"You have got to quit choking her out!" The voice shrieked, "One of these times I am not going to be able to revive her!"

"Just do your job," Another voice growled.

"I am doing my job," The female voice growled now too, "I would say you're not making this easy, but this goes way beyond that! You've nearly killed her twice now! Every time you do, it is harder for her to rebound, and my bringing her back depends on her strength and will to live, which you are quickly sapping!"

"This is what you are paid to do," Leon growled, the voice was Leon, "If you can not do your job then I will find someone else."

"Sir, with all due respect," Cindy said, her voice deadpan serious, "You can't fire me. I work for Donald and Randal representing the interests of your partners and the company, and I am here to make sure you don't go too far, and if you do anything like that again I am calling them and the police!"

There was a long pause.

"Then do your job," Leon finally growled, "Tend to Lust. Wake her up, and then get her strung up again. I have guests coming!"

"She...is...pregnant! With twins! You know this," Cindy shrieked to fading footsteps, "If you continue to do this to her, you're either going to kill her, or the fetuses, or all three!"

"She's mine to play with as I wish," He said from the doorway, "It's your job to keep them healthy."

There was another long silence before Cindy growled under her breath, "Asshole!"

"Yeah," Jordan agreed.

"I really hate that guy," Cindy grumbled as oxygen tubes were inserted into her nose and a heart monitor sensor was clamped on her fingertip, "I really hate this job sometimes."

"I know." Jordan said neutrally, there was a pause as he worked, and then continued, "But if you weren't here, how many girls would be dead now?"

"He should be in an institution," Cindy retorted bitterly, "Not policed so that he doesn't go too far!"

The nothingness Charlene was floating in seemed to lighten and then all of a sudden she felt like she was falling. No! She was hurtling, like an earthbound meteor, and the void was growing brighter. She was falling faster and faster until in an instant she saw her own body, and she slammed into herself!

"Huagh!" She jerked suddenly, and turned as best she could away from Cindy to puke on Jordan's shoes. She wrenched several times as Cindy sighed in relief and pulled out a stethoscope to put to her belly and sighed again.

"You're okay," Cindy said in relief, "And, I hear your baby's heart beats!"

"Good," She wheezed.

"How do you feel," Cindy asked, "Do you feel like you need a break or a Doctor?"

"No, I'm fine," She whispered, "Just clean me up and hang me up for Master."

There was a long notable silence, and she could only imagine the silent exchange going on between Jordan and Cindy since she was still blindfolded.

"Okay," Cindy finally sighed, "Jordan, help her stand up while I go get a mop, bucket, towel, and a washcloth."

Jordan did as he was asked and stood her up on her weak and jellified legs. With shear determination, she stood as straight and proud as she could, but couldn't keep from swaying back and forth precariously when Jordan left. A second later she heard the hum of the winch reeling in the cable until she felt it pull on her hips and collar.

She had never been so thankful for the collar or cables as she was in that moment. With them stabilizing her, she was able to regain some of her dignity, at least until Cindy returned and set Jordan to mopping up her urine and puke while Cindy gave her a sponge bath.

The water was hot but Cindy's hands were profoundly tender. She could feel that her face was grossly swollen when Cindy dabbed at her delicately to wash the puke and drool away from her mouth. She was so thankful for her tenderness that she kissed Cindy's hands and whispered, "Thank you!"

She was shocked when soft feminine lips pressed against her mouth, and she leaned in and tried to kiss back only for Cindy to pull away leaving her panting for more. Cindy continued washing her, her fingers caressing her skin as lightly as feathers until she started massaging her breasts deeply and pinching and twisting her nipples until they were thick and erect. Cindy's mouth found her left nipple as a hand moved down to wash her belly while the other washed her back. Seconds later, Jordan's mouth began suckling her right nipple as he used a rag to wash her right ass cheek while Cindy's fingers glided down her belly and flitted across her smooth hairless pubic mound. Cindy massaged her labia as her middle finger delved inside her vulva, and from the back Jordan slid his fingers between her ass cheeks and pressed his thumb into her anus and plunged two middle fingers inside her vagina!

"Ahhh," She exhaled explosively when Jordan began massaging her anal and vaginal walls together and swishing his fingers inside her as he rubbed circles around her cervix with his fingertips.

She couldn't help but thrust her hips as Jordan's fingers filled her up so wonderfully, and gently stoked her to a hot...wet…squelching mess. Her lubrication became a flood of nectar rolling down his fingers to pool in the palm of his hand before dribbling over to dollop to the floor. To add to her fire, Cindy's middle finger was rubbing deep inside her vagina, pushing in alongside Jordan's fingers so that she could stroke her g-spot while grinding her palm into her clitoris. Her thighs began to shake with exhaustion. Her breathing became labored, and sporadic moaning progressed to an open mouthed wailing orgasm. Jordan and Cindy bit and pulled at her nipples while finger-fucking her ass, vagina, and frigging her clit. Her wailing went silent as she began to shake in climax!

She was on the verge of passing out when the winch motor hummed as the cable connected to the supporting bar pulled tight lifting her off the floor. There was a moment when her collar was hanging her again and she could feel blood throbbing in her ears. A second later and the winch connected to her collar loosened so that she fell forward as the cuffs on her wrists and the harness around her hips bore the weight of her limp body. She had no more strength. No more desire for sex…she was thoroughly exhausted, and all she wanted to do was sleep.

"I'm sorry," Cindy whispered as she pulled her blindfold off.

She blinked her eyes several times but everything was blurry. She could distinguish that the blur in front of her was Cindy, and she watched as the woman turned away to put the blindfold away before returning with a ring gag.

"From now on, Leon wants you to see everything that is going to happen to you," Cindy mumbled, "And the ring gag is going to make it so you can't refuse any of the men he is bring in to fuck you tonight."

"Are they STD free," She croaked hoarsely just before Cindy put the ring gag in her mouth and buckled it behind her head.

"I don't know," Cindy whispered.

Jordan moved up next, patting her ass that was sticking high in the air and ran his hand over her bum to the small of her back then up to her shoulders like he was running his hand along the elegant curves of a Corvette. Cindy walked around behind her and knelt down to fasten the bar shackled to her ankles to the floor. Jordan clipped a bar to the main supporting bar holding her in the air before pulling her head back and fastened the other end of the bar to her ring gag. She was now suspended in the air with her feet three inches above the floor while the bar separating her legs was locked to the floor. Jordan adjusted the winch connected to the main support bar until her legs were fully extended and pulling slightly against her ankle cuffs. The support bar hovered roughly a foot above her ass, and the only part of her body higher than her ass was her hands. They were locked in cuffs that were locked to the support bar so that her arms held her upper body up when she tired out. This position had the added bonus of pulling her shoulders back and thrusting her chest out so that her breasts hung pendulously. Lastly, the bar connected to her ring gag pulled her head back and held it in place so that her mouth and esophagus were lined up.

The only thing left to do was for Jordan to test it out while Cindy watched. She thought that Cindy might protest Jordan's fucking her, but as he pushed through the ring in her mouth and she began licking his thick veiny dick as he slid in until her nose was buried in his pubic hair. Simultaneously, Cindy pushed a large jug of lube against her vagina and squeezed. Jordan's fucking her mouth sped up until he grabbed her head and was slamming his dick half way down her throat. Cindy filled up her vagina with lube until it was cascading down her vulva to her clitoris before dribbling to the floor, and the grabbed a one gallon bag filled with lube with a short hose and pushed all ten inches of the thin wand up her rectum...

"Mmm," She moaned as Jason started shooting tons of thick creamy seed down her throat for her to swallow as Cindy released the pinch on the line and a gallon of warm lubricant flooded her intestines!

Her belly felt heavier and heavier as warmth filled her up until the bag was empty. Cindy squeezed every last drop of lube out, and then slowly withdrew the rod to be replaced it with a thick steel anal plug with a emerald set in its head. When Jordan was finished ejaculating in her mouth he also withdrew and together they left...


"Good evening Lust," Leon purred almost too sweetly when he returned to the torture chamber, "I see you are prepared for our guests. That is good, but first I want to give you some presents since you have been such a good little submissive..."

She turned her head as much as her ring gag and bar would let her and saw a blurry Leon smudge holding in his hands what appeared to be a blurry, long gold rope chain. She could only guess what it looked like...

On each end of the smooth rope chain was a hoop. At the head the hoop was one inch in diameter, and at the tail the hoop was a half inch diameter. Fixed to the head of the rope chain just below the thick one inch hoop were three two-karat square-cut diamonds spaced a quarter inch apart, and at the tail of the rope chain near the half inch hoop dangled three two-karat teardrop-cut diamonds.

"It's twenty-four-karat gold with nine two-karat diamonds," Leon described making sure she knew how expensive his gift to her was, "It's a ten-gauge diameter chain, pretty thick, and heavy enough so that you will never forget…who owns you now! The large hoop is eight-gauge, with two-karat square-cut diamonds on this end, and on the other end are two-karat teardrop diamonds. The symbolism of which will become apparent over the next ten years. Now if you're wondering, how do I wear this? Then the answer is…"

He finished by kneeling down until his face was inches from hers and threaded the head of the chain around her neck just below her collar, and then threaded the tail of the chain through the large hoop. Straightening up, he stepped back while still holding the tail of the chain in his hand as he purred, "Now, let me introduce you to Haiden Jarrett. Haiden is going to set this end for us!"

Leon finished by wagging what she could only guess was the small hoop before he handed it to Haiden. A short, portly smudge with blotches for tattoos on his arms and neck. She couldn't make out any definitive features or see that he had a ragged beard, earring in his ears and a large beer belly, and that he was not at all attractive.

With a broad smile that thankfully she couldn't see, he took the chain and hoop from Leon and moved around behind her as he threaded the chain between her thighs. She kicked and pulled in protest, but to no avail, she was securely shackled against almost all movement. A few seconds later Haiden sprayed her vulva with a spray bottle and towel dried her.

"This will dull the pain," He explained from behind her ass, and indeed she felt very little when he pinched her perineum.

Stinging fire lit up her pussy and ass like hot nails being driven up her anus, vagina, and urethra all at the same time. Seconds felt like hours as she howled! Then as quickly as the pain came, it stopped, leaving in its wake a dull ache and a burning fire. She cried in relief, assuming Haiden was done, however the dull burning ache became a piercing white hot fire! She shrieked and cried and howled and shuddered...

"The hoop is now permanent Mr. Dole," Haiden announced, "It can't be removed now without either tearing her or cutting it."

"Good," Leon purred as he enjoyed watching her face contort from the pain, "Go ahead with the rest."

"Yes sir," Haiden answered.

She didn't know what to expect next, until Haiden spread her pussy-lips apart and she felt him finger the smaller, delicate, sensitive, flower petals of her left labia minora, separating them, until he found just the spot between her vagina and her urethra. He pinched her, and pulled, and then she was seeing stars as a tortured scream belted out of her soul like a banshee as fire impaled her once again!

"Do you want this second hoop permanent as well," Haiden asked.

"Yes make it all permanent," Leon answered as he watched her scream and cry and squirm, "Don't worry Lust, we will make you feel much better just as soon as this is finished..."

She shrieked as Haiden's soldering tool melted the second gold hoop together permanently...

She was numb and desensitized when Haiden fingered her pussy, massaging her clitoris and played with her clitoral hood, and when he was satisfied with playing with her, he ran his fingers up her vulva to her pubic mound and pinched her skin several times. He made a couple of marks, and then retrieved a very large gauge curved needle. She felt him pinch her smooth skin above her pussy slit and then extraordinary pain bloomed in her clitoris and belly as what felt like a dull sixteen-penny nail pierced her flesh!

She cried!

She shrieked!

Drooled dribbled from her mouth, and to her relief, her eyes rolled up into her head and she passed out...


"Hey, wake up," Leon laughed as he gently slapped her face until she came to, "No sleeping on the job Lust!"

Her eyes fluttered and she was overwhelmed by a deep penetrating ache in her groin.

Leon smiled at her as she tried to focus her eyes on him. He motioned for Haiden to come over as he stepped away and moved behind her so he could run his fingers along her pussy-lips as he inspected Haiden's installations. She felt him swivel the hoop between her ass and vagina first, then the second hoop and felt that the chain running through her vulva also threaded through that hoop. It felt like it was also much smaller. Lastly, Leon swiveled the hoop embedded in her skin on her pubic mound just above her pussy slit. She could feel it was a much larger and thicker hoop than the others, possibly three-quarters in diameter and almost an eighth inch thick, and the gold rope chain threaded through this hoop as well.

She watched the blur that was Haiden intently as he sat in front of her and pulled out a small square blur. When he opened it she saw nothing, however there was a gold basket nose ring. She had no idea what was going on until he started fooling around, tilting her head and probing her nose and nostrils. She had always wanted to get a nose ring and almost had on several occasions, but thought them unprofessional so abstained. However, if Leon was having her nose pierced she figured it must be fine and tried to smile around her ring gag in approval.

Though she was staring right at him she didn't see Haiden's smile, as he got the gist of her approval, however she soon squawked when instead of pushing the basket hoop on one of her nostrils like she expected, he pushed it up her columella. Her nose was not long, it was short and slightly turned up while the bridge of her nose was femininely hawkish. He positioned the nose ring where the basket was almost touching her columella and found where the bar would go through her septum, then using a curved needle, he held his place in her nose where he would pierce her septum...

"Be very still or this could be very ugly, and you are far too beautiful for such a tragic accident," Haiden warned.

She didn't know if she should nod, so she braced herself for the pain. Haiden smiled then pushed the needle through her septum as pain exploded across her face!

It was nowhere near as painful as her pussy piercings, and the pain was over almost as soon as it started, but it left an ache in her nose that spread across her cheek bones and down her top lip. Haiden quickly slipped the nose ring into place and fitted a tiny gold bolt through a whole before pushing it through her nose. Using a small tool, he threaded the bolt through the other side of the nose ring, and when he was finished grabbed her by the chin and tilted her head this way and that as he inspected his work.

"Fuck you are beautiful," He purred happily, satisfied with his work, then warned, "Be very careful not to move. I don't want to burn you."

With that warning, he tilted her head back, and moved the nose ring one way then the other as he stuck a hot soldering needle up her nose and touched the bolt melting it together so it couldn't be removed. She felt the gold heat up but Haiden was done very quickly much to her relief!

"Okay," He said in an 'I'm all done' voice, "All done Mr. Dole."

"Not quite," Leon corrected as he brought another chain to Haiden and handed it to him.

It was another gold chain with three two-karat diamonds hanging from the center like a necklace. It was fifteen inches long, and at each end was a bar with a stud instead of hoops.

"Sir I am going to need her standing up to install this correctly," Haiden said seriously.

"That can be arranged," Leon answered as he grabbed the winch controller and reeled in the line connected to her collar until she was suspended above the floor barely able to breath before Leon lowered the other winch cable and she was standing up straight with only a little assistance from her collar.

The Haiden blur worked at his tool box before turning to her. She felt the cold caress of a long ruler against her breasts as he measured her them from her collarbones to each nipple, and from nipple to nipple.

"Unbelievably beautiful," He declared as he groped each breast and pinched and twisted her nipples, "You have perfectly symmetrical breasts and nipples!"

She would have smiled for the compliment if she didn't still have the ring gag fastened to her head and the bar pulling her so all she could see was the ceiling.

"I can't quite get her nipples to tighten up enough though," Haiden complained as he played with her breasts, even suckling her nipples before blowing on them.

"Here, try this," Leon offered.

A second later Haiden rubbed oil into her nipples and areolas as she hissed and cried. It felt like they were dipping her nipples in fire then ice again as she screamed until her voice went hoarse...

"Oh yeah, that did the trick," Haiden chortled.

The next pain she felt was a needle ripping through her left nipple and then another was driven through her right. The pain was light and momentary compared to the oil...

The needles were retracted and the gold chain bell-bars followed them through her nipples. Haiden squeezed her breasts as he threaded decorative gold nuts onto the studs then asked, "Do you want me to make these unremovable as well?"

"No let these be," Leon answered, "She will need to be able to remove them for nursing."

"Yes, very good sir," Haiden agreed.

The winch motor started up and her head was lowered while the main support bar was raised, lifting her feet off the ground, and her ass into the air so that she was bent over and ready to be fucked. Leon walked around and inspected her as he purred, "Now it is time to pay the man Lust!" Then he left the room.

"Well Miss Lust," Haiden said as he cleaned up his tools, "I must say what an exquisite delight and honor it is to get to fuck a woman of you caliber. I have never had the opportunity to fuck a woman as beautiful as you are, so thank you!"

She watched the Haiden blur disrobe but saw nothing defining, which was a blessing for her. When he pulled his shirt off he was as furry as a bear. The next article of clothing was his pants with no underwear. Had her eyes been working properly she still wouldn't have been able to find his dick or balls amid all his body hair. At least, not until he reached around his belly and began playing with himself.

Walking up to her he shoved his dick through the ring in her mouth. He smelled of unwashed hair, sweat, and urine. She flattened her tongue as she gagged and refused to participate as his dick slid into her mouth. It felt weird, like there were raised bumps all along his dick. As he pumped in and out across her tongue, the longer he fucked her, the more she pressed her tongue against his dick. She was just getting into the feeling of him rubbing against the roof of her mouth when she heard him groan as hot spend sprayed down her throat!

"Oh fuck! Oh shit," He chortled, "You are so fine! I couldn't hold out! Oh fuck that was good! Okay now your pussy!"

She couldn't protest when he pulled out leaving cum in her mouth and glazing her lips and pulled out his iPhone and took several pictures of her face with cum all in her mouth. Then he moved around her and she heard several clicks as several photos were taken of her ass and pussy before he slid inside her...

As strange as it felt having his bumpy dick in her mouth, it was an even more intensely pleasurable feeling having all those raised bumps rubbing and sliding against the walls of her vagina. She had always wanted to get Jason a cock sleeve with bumps all over it, and now she knew how it would feel. Even with the jolting pain of him slamming into her new piercings didn't stop the rising pleasure his dick was giving her as he quickly stoked her pussy to a molten fury!

Her womb felt like it was on fire and it was pouring lava into her belly by the second. Her skin beaded with sweat until she was breathing hard and tied to wail in pleasure!

"Arrrgghhhh," Haiden roared as he slammed her pussy, pushing as far as he could as his cum blasted inside her relentlessly, filling her up until it was running down her vulva to her clitoris...

Haiden stood there for a while, holding her hips as his dick slowly pulsed inside her and breathing hard as he let his afterglow wash over him. A few minutes later he started again and came two more times before he finally pulled out and cleaned himself up. He got dressed and gathered up his tools, and left without saying another word to her.

Leon came in twenty minutes later and walked around her, admiring her debasement…

"I have sent Cindy and Jordan off on an errand," He purred in her ear, "So now I can do with you all that I want to…"

He retreated and walked around her and stopped at her ass and stuck his finger in her cum filled vagina before he continued, "There's a group of men outside that want to meet you Lust. They are paying handsomely to fuck you. One of them is the chief of police, another is the Mayer, and another of them is the District Attorney. There are other influential city officials and politicians, and a few criminals just to make things interesting. They all have masks on so none of them knows who the others are, but they will all know who you are. Okay then, I am going to let them in now and I hope you enjoy this as much as I will!"


Hours later-

Charlene was unconscious when Cindy and Jordan came in to take Charlene to their room. The men were gone now, and when they left Leon had simply left. It wasn't until she got nervous, and went to check that she discovered that Charlene wasn't in bed. Fearful of what she might find, she ran to get Jordan and told him to come with her. When they opened the door they found Charlene on the hard, cold floor, laying in a puddle of cum and lubrication!

There was sperm all over Charlene, in her hair, sprayed across her face and body, coating the inside of her mouth, and leaking out of her vagina and ass. Apparently the men had tired of her hanging from the ceiling and had desired her to be more interactive. Charlene still wore her hip harness and the collar and cuffs, but she had been carefully unhooked from the winch lines and the pipes, and then the men had fucked Charlene as they liked into unconsciousness.

Rushing over Cindy pressed her fingers into Charlene's neck searching for a pulse and sighed in relief when she felt a slow but strong rhythm.

"Oh thank God this woman is resilient," She sighed.

"Jordan will you pick her up and take her to our bathtub," She requested as she stepped back out of the way.

He was very gentle as he slid his arms under Charlene's thighs and back and then lifted her up and followed as Cindy led the way to the bathroom, then plugged and started the basin filling with hot water. There were four inches of water in the tub when she let Jordan slowly lower Charlene into the bath. Afterward, he left to go back and clean up the mess left in the torture chamber while she washed Charlene.

She used a washcloth to wash Charlene from her shoulders down to her breasts, then lightly washed around the nipple bars with a gold chain dangling between them as her large heavy breasts pulled the chain tight so that the three diamonds danced from the golden tightrope. Leaving the nipple chain be, she unfastened the collar before removing her cuffs from her wrists and ankles. She dropped them beside the tub and then looked at the large hoop with three diamonds around the woman's neck.

"Poor girl," She sighed unhappily, "You have surely gotten yourself into it now. He has claimed you as company property...nothing you do now...no matter what the length of your contract…will release you from their clutches!"

She followed the chain down Charlene's body until her finger met a large three-quarter inch hoop embedded in her pubic mound just above her pussy slit, then she followed the gold chain through as it disappeared between the lips of her labia where she found the second ring. A small three-eighths diameter gold hoop pierced one of the small petals of her labia minora. Finally her fingers stopped when she found the three dangling diamonds positioned between her urethra and the last gold hoop embedded in the soft smooth flesh of Charlene's perineum.

Shaking her head in remorse, she gently probed two fingers inside Charlene's anus pushing high inside her rectum and she swished her fingers around to clean her out before cleaning her vagina. Lastly, she let the water out of the tub and used a hand shower to wash her whole body. When Jordan came back he helped her wash Charlene's face and hair.

Charlene never woke up, and Cindy was beginning to worry. This wasn't natural, Charlene was almost certainly in a coma. Drying Charlene off, she directed Jordan to carry her to their bedroom where he laid her in the center of their king size bed. Then they both stripped down to nothing, went and took their own showers and climbed into bed with Charlene between them. Hopefully, she would recover before Friday...

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