
MYS 312 Starting from the suffix

MYS 312 

POV1 Anggi 



I had to hold my breath several times and look up so I wouldn't cry. I'm a bad girl. An antagonist that all audiences must hate. I don't deserve Jono even for a moment. 


  Those are just a few sentences I say to myself to make myself better. I don't feel better after breaking up with Jono from a relationship that was wrong from the start, backstreet. 


  The reading corner in one of the rooms at Rumah Damai makes me even more unfit to live. I love Jono too much and I hope too much. But in the end, I also have to decide after I was the first to start. 


  "Let's go home. It's late this afternoon." Said Maryam who finally found me looking down helplessly. 


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