
MYS 117 Latest facts

MYS 117



A valuable lesson that I can take is not to go out to eat with Andi forever. In addition to his chatty brash son, Andi is also super confident in what he says. Andi should just want to look in the mirror a little before talking like that. 


  However, this fact does not match the facts. At least not according to the facts from what I feel. Something that is subtle and seems forced will always end badly. But I hope I'm wrong. 


For the first time, I couldn't react to Andi's blunt statement. The new facts are not like facts, but just like gossip that Andi made himself. 


  "Since when are you good at composing, Ndi? My advice is, it's better if you change your profession to become a writer or a cafe singer." I tried to snort in a normal tone of voice. 


  My eyes widened before I finished the sentence. 


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