
MYS 27 Dislike or ... 

MYS 27

"Yeah, it's okay. Do you want to exchange with Ana?" I said lie. If Ana hears my ramblings, I will die young. Without further ado, Ana vehemently refused my offer earlier. He prefers to sit with Jono than me.

"I don't want to. I want you, Anggi."

"That's it. There's no need to protest."

And the journey passed without me realizing that I had arrived at my destination, Agrotourism and Outbound Valley Asri Serang at the foot of Mount Slamet. Even though it was only ten o'clock in the morning the air was very cold, it made me shiver with cold.

We were given fifteen minutes to rest accompanied by a snack from the committee before the next agenda, group games.

"Please pay attention to all my children... you feel that you have enough energy after eating the snacks. Now, so that the food that has entered the stomach is more useful, it would be nice for you to do a few movements that can burn energy. At least fat reserves or reserves Your sugar is useful. To find out what the series of activities are, you leave it entirely to our presenter today... Mas Ari. Please." Mr. Pujo's speech was fiery. Kompak got a chorus of protests from all students.

We thought we could relax at our destination without any distractions, but in fact, we were forced to move under the cold mountain air. It is just too much.

"My dear brothers and sisters...for our first event is Berivaria, where a team of five children will compete to make the best strawberry-based snack that you will pick in five minutes. Let's choose team members." Mas Ari exclaimed on the sidelines of the roar of the children who did not believe in the existence of the competition.

All the children will be divided into twenty teams consisting of five children for each team by shuffling. And I'm on a team with Ade, Affan, Abdi, and Wawan, my job as a chef is assisted by Abdi while the other children are in charge of looking for good and big strawberries. The time given is only ten minutes.

The first five minutes, Ade, Affan, and Wawan ran for strawberries with the other team. It turns out that getting good and ripe strawberries is not easy in just five minutes accompanied by a noisy atmosphere fighting with other teams who want the same thing.

Five minutes of searching for strawberries went by so quickly, now it was my turn, and Abdi. In addition to the strawberries, two layers of white bread must be shared to produce a simple dish that tantalizes the faith of the judges. There I thought hard, what to do with the two ingredients.

Finally, I decided to make two variations of the dish. Abdi, I was assigned to make a strawberry sandwich, in which one piece of bread is cut into two parts and each piece is cut in half again. Then arranged into two small pieces of sandwich filled with pieces of strawberries. I did it very well and neatly.

Meanwhile, I'm making white bread sushi filled with strawberries. Where is the rest of the white bread that I have, I roll it with the strawberry filling, which is sliced lengthwise and small. I was careful to roll the bread only with the help of thin plastic wrap. After forming a perfect roll then I cut it into three equal parts. Don't forget to put a toothpick as a support so you don't disperse the bread rolls. Since there was no margarine provided, I had to be extra careful in the process of rolling it. If it wasn't for the teachings of Ebi from the past, I don't know what the plan would be to make sushi today.

I heard Ade, Affan, Abdi, and Wawan cheering happily because our team was in the top ten. But not for me, being the fastest top ten team means we'll be pitted once again for ten thrilling and brainstorming minutes, just for the sake of getting into the top three with a reward compensation of whatever.

Unfortunately, I'm the one who has to think about what other dishes our team will make later with mysterious supporting ingredients.

"Servant... what else are we going to do? The supporting materials are still a secret, right?" I whispered nervously. While the other children are still excited by themselves. The three boys are delicious, their only job is to run and look for good fruit. Well me?

"Calm down Anggi. God willing, you can do it." My voice is calm.

"You think about it, okay?" I squeaked. The reason is that the supporting materials will be given later after the child in charge of picking strawberries comes to hand over the results.

"Ready," Abdi replied still in a voice as calm as lake water. The authoritative aura of the class president that he exudes is no joke. It's not in vain that I'm on the same team as Abdi.

Without realizing it, Ade was already standing in front of me with a big basket of strawberries. Not long after, the committee provided supporting materials to be mixed into a light dish which once again had to be able to tempt the faith of the judges. There was a honey pineapple, three green grapes, and half a red apple, and a cup of vanilla ice cream.

Before long, a light bulb flashed in the image of my mind.

"Abdi, please cut the apples thin and then put a hole in the middle. Just make three." my order without delay.

Meanwhile, I was busy cutting the honey pineapple into small cubes and preparing an oval plate for plating.

I put the apple that had been cut by my servant on a plate three spaced apart, where I filled one part of the apple with a hole in it with pineapple chunks, honey, and strawberries. One other part I filled with pieces of green grapes with halved strawberries. While the last part I filled with vanilla ice cream topped with one of the largest strawberries we have. I carefully serve it to the jury.

As a result, we won first place as expected by Abdi. A surprise that I did not expect before. The second place was won by the Ebi team, while the third winner was from another class.

"I don't think so... this is how you get one hundred thousand," said Wawan while fanning a banknote from the competition prize in his face. The first winner of each child gets one hundred thousand rupiahs.


This second activity received the loudest applause of protest throughout the event. HighRope, a test of courage for those who do not like or even have a phobia of heights.

The race mechanism is quite easy, crossing the rope bridge above a certain height in the shortest possible time. The team still consists of five groups with new shuffles. I'm now a team with Chess, Dodi, Lukman, and Ridho. Not a problem for me. The problem is that I've never done it before.

"Calm down, I'll hold your hand until the finish," Dodi suggested that he didn't miss the chance to mod.

"You are, Dodi. You just know how to look for opportunities in a frenzy." chirped Chess, laughing.

"Bismillah and pray a lot so that you don't fall, Anggi," said Lukman, looking worried to see that I was nervous.


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