
Warm Up


This case is becoming more and more interesting. First the discovery that the miners walked by themselves deeper into the cage, then the fact that they're all still near this vicinity. Lastly, there's that weird thing about the appreciaze suddenly appearing where it should not be. This one is sure to be an interesting one for us. 

"Actual, can you hear me?" says someone on the intercom. "This is ground support," he adds.

"Come in, ground support," I say.

"We can weakly detect the signal from where we are. But with Sgt. Kenko on your side and you being closer to the spot, you have a better shot at detecting the signal. Thus we're transferring the operation back to you," explains the man.

What? Did this broccoli head just dump our own request back to us. And don't get me wrong, I love broccoli, it just felt right swearing at him like that. You know, tryna get creative. 

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