


I am flying, soaring up in the sky, defying gravity as I race through the clouds and among the stars. So high up, so high up, so high up that all those below me are nothing but specks of dust in a shore. 

I feel free, untethered, unchained, unbothered. I reign free above the clouds, no one in my way.

But it will not be so for a long time. It is almost time, almost. I will have to sleep. She must arrive safely. 

First I must find a place to rest, a place where I am sure we will be safe, then I can be rest assured. But for now I should enjoy the moment of being  among the clouds, free and up here. 

"K'orra," someone says behind me. 

I turn. It is D'mein in his other form. I do not understand why he chooses to take this form most of the time, but I let him be.

"What is it?"

"Your time is coming. Have you found a place?" he asks.

"I have a place in mind. It will be peaceful there. Do not worry," I reply.

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