
Tick Tock Goes the Clock


"All units, converge on the thirty-first floor. Secure the item at all costs. Repeat, all units converge at the thirty-first floor. Kenko keep the door on that floor locked and don't let the item out until we get there. We're on our way, so keep the enemy at bay," Major Felix instructs. 

"Copy that, sir!" everyone replies.

"Lt. Evans, the enemy has pinned down on your location. Repeat, the enemy has pinned down on your location. They're sending their men your way. They've accessed the elevator's data and figured out you're headed to the last floor. Get out of there immediately," the kid warns.

"Huh, wonderful news," I say sarcastically.

"They have men coming for you," Kenko adds.

I turn my attention to the elevator buttons. I start pressing each one of them.

"That doesn't sound so safe for us. What do we do now?!" Jill says, panic obviously setting in.

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