
Week 24 - part 4

17th February

Mathew stood waiting for Autumn she couldn’t believe she’d lied to her mom and


Why had she let him talk her into this?

He looked at her at his watch where was she, had she bailed on their deal? She finally came into sight as she walked strenuously over the bridge she really wasn’t looking forward to today. Now almost tee minutes late why would her excuse be? She was dressed had to foot in black this would be the second time that he would see her in her normal attire. Her face glowed with dark makeup under the sun this really complimented her glasses. ‘You needn’t have dressed up for me.’

‘I don’t I always go out like this.’

‘Oh.. well, at least now I know why you’re late.’

‘I was talking to Con.’

‘So what did you tell him?’

‘I had a headache and I was going to take some tablets and I was going to rest a while.’

‘Smart move.’

‘Not really, mom gave me the twenty questions. I told her I just wanted to be alone today.’

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