
Week 15 - pt 4

Mathew Harding’s observation part 3

You talked about how you felt left out and alone.’


‘So tell me a little about the kids in your class.’

‘There’s not much to tell.’

He looked at her. ‘You mentioned that they turned against you.’

‘They sort of did. It wasn’t just them it was those in Taylor’s year too.’

‘So tell me what happened with these kids that made you feel like you did.’

‘They snubbed me. No one would talk to me or acknowledge me. They all blamed me. I’d made a lot of friends through Taylor. Then every thing that has-end seemed to change their prospective about me. I hated it there the only place I felt I belonged made me an outcast. It was like they blamed me for what had happened to all of them.’

‘How could they blame you Autumn you weren’t there?’

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