
Week 2 - pt 2

13th September

Daniel stood by the bridge waiting and hoping that Autumn would be alone. She was.

‘No Con?’

‘He’s meeting me here. Look Dan about Saturday.’

‘Can’t wait can you?’

‘I don’t think it’s such a good idea.’

‘Why not? We’re friends aren’t we?’

‘Yeah, but Con.’

‘I’m sure he won’t mind it’s a few hours red not all day. It won’t kill you he ain’t got to know.’


‘He’s coming.’

Connor bounced over to them smiling. ‘You shit the bed.’

‘No like to get up bright and early me.’

‘Sure you do. Morning babe.’ He said kissing her in the cheek.


‘What’s your excuse Con? You usually sleep around the clock.’

‘Well I now have something to get up for.’

‘Yeah school!!’ He cracked.

Connor placed his arm round Autumn, pulling her close making her feel uncomfortable. ‘These last two years are going to be worth the hard work and a new friend to keep me in check.’

‘You really think she’s going to do that?’

‘I do.’

They all walked away heading to school.

‘Wow both of you on time. You both boning her?!’

Ashby kicked Jae. ‘Owe.’

‘No we’re not and if we were it’s none of your fucking business.’

‘What’s your excuse then? Or do you just want to impress her.’

They looked dead at him.

‘Don’t worry Autumn they’ll get board. It won’t last long. They’ll both be back in detention soon for being late.’

They all went into the school as the bell rang saying their goodbyes before registration.

Autumn sat down the dark haired, green eyed male sat next to her. She looked at him. ‘You don’t mind do you?’

‘It’s a free country.’

He smiled. ‘I’m Stenton.’


‘The new chick.’


‘So how you finding the dump?’

‘Same shit different day.’

He smiled he could tell her nervousness yet chose to ignore it. ‘So how are you settling in?’


‘Any of the guys hassling you?’

‘Not really no.’

‘That’s surprising.’


‘Just guys see a pretty face around here and they usually make she knows about it. Trust me there’s been loads of fights. Every guy likes a hot girl.’

‘Like you.’ She said bluntly.

He went to ask her what the hell she was talking about as he got interrupted.

‘Right class settle down and we’ll begin.’

The bell rang for the end of the lesson they all picked up their belongings walking out of the room.

‘Hey red wait up.’

She looked at him, daint this guy know when o quit? ‘What is it Stenton?’

‘What the hell was that crack about?’

‘It’s true. Isn’t it?’

‘Who told you?’

She cut her eyes at him staring straight through him. Stating her silence.

‘Con right, I tell you something for nought red. He ain’t no different than any other guy round here. Him and his friends will just get to know you to get inside you.’

‘Con ain’t like that, none of them are.’

‘He is, he just wants to get to know you so he can put it inside you.’

‘What ever!’

‘Don’t believe me then.’

‘I won’t.’

‘I ain’t that bad red if you just get to know me.’

‘I have to go Stenton.’

Connor looked over. ‘You bothering her Stenton?’

‘No, just talking.’

‘Well you can go now we have lesson.’

‘Sure I’ll see you later Autumn.’

‘Yeah sure.’

He walked away Connor and Stenton cutting eyes at one another. ‘You okay babe?’


‘Come on or we’ll be late.’

They went into their next class sitting down.

‘So what did Stenton say?’

‘Not much. Just all the guys around here are the same when there’s a new face.’

‘No we’re not.’

‘Right class lets all settle down we have a lot to get through today.’

They all pulled their books out Connor looking at Autumn, was there something she wasn’t telling him?

The bell rang and they all packed away soothing out of the room Connor dropped his arm over her shoulders. She flinched. ‘You okay babe?’

‘Yeah fine.’

‘What did he really say?’

‘Just you and the guys were only friends with me for one thing.’

‘No were not, well I’m not, not so sure about the others I can’t vouch for them or their anatomy. I just want to be friends, I really like you Stenton talks bullshit babe. He’s had more screwed balls than any of us for his foul mouth. Girls won’t even go any where near him because he’s to full on.’ He looked at Autumn. ‘I’m not too full on am I?’



They ventured outside to meet their friends.

‘What’s with the face Con?’


‘Oh no.’

‘What’s he done this time?’

‘He seems to think that we’re only friends with Autumn so we can all get inside her.’

‘Yeah right.’

‘That’s what he said.’

‘He needs to take a look in the fucking mirror a good long hard look. He don’t know how to keep his dick in.’

The bell rang. They all doubted out their cigarettes. Going into their last lesson before lunch,

Connor pinned Stenton before their last lesson before lunch his eyes cold and blank. ‘Con what gives?’

‘Don’t ever slag us off in front of Autumn again.’

‘It was the truth.’

‘The only one that thinks with their dick around here is you.’

‘I ain’t the only one.Con.’

‘She’s our friend Stenton stay away.’

‘You ain’t her keeper.’

‘No but I’m your worst fucking nightmare.’

‘You don’t scare me Con. If I want to be friends with her I will be.’

‘Connor Harborne, Jonah Stenton in here now.’

Connor loosed Stenton. ‘Stay away.’

They walked into the class sitting down. The bell rang for lunch.

Connor met Autumn and his friends for lunch still vexed. They chose not to ask eating before they went out side for a cigarette he stood smoking angrily. Before the bell went he took Autumns hand pulling her with him. ‘Wowh Con what’s the rush. You left Dan behind.’

‘He can catch up.’ He pulled her close. He pressed his lips on hers kissing her hungrily with tongue. He moved away. ‘What was all that about Con?’

‘Your mine Autumn he’s not having you.’



‘I’m not interested Con.’

‘He is.’

‘Well I’m not.’

‘Gee Con what’s the rush?’ Daniel asked out of breath.


‘Well don’t take your anger out on us. Stenton’s an ass you should really ignore him.’

‘I know. He just knows which buttons to press.’

‘Yeah the wrong ones with you.’

‘Come on we best get to registration.’

‘The guys said they’d meet us by the gates.’


They all walked away to registration then into their last two lessons. Autumn looking out of the window wondering what the hell was wrong with Con she’d never seen him like that before his eyes scared her so cold, so hollow, so glazed. ‘You still with us Miss. Cleveland ?’


The bell rang for end of lesson and the end of another day. She walked out of school meeting Connor and the others. He dropped his arm over her before they all walked away. Saying their goodbyes. ‘I’ll see you two tomorrow.’

‘Sure Dan laterz.’

‘Yeah bye Dan.’

Daniel walked away Connor looked at Autumn . ‘You okay Con, just today you didn’t seem your normal self.’

‘I’m sorry Autumn we all know Stenton. He just knows how to push it and how to keep pushing it to make you snap.’

‘I can handle him Con,’

‘Maybe, but I’d like to take care of you.’

‘I can take care of myself Con.’

‘I know.’ He pulled her close. ‘I hope we can be more than what we are now. I know your not ready for anything heavy but in time you might be.’ He leaned forward pressing his lips on her kissing her hungrily with tongue. He moved away. ‘I’ll meet you here tomorrow at three okay.’


‘I’ll see you later babe.’

‘Yeah later Con.’

He walked away as she looked over the lake she hoped they could be friends without any complications. She knew how he felt and what he wanted, but could she ever give it to him?

14th September

Autumn walked up to the bridge unsure she should be. Connor wouldn’t be too

pleased if he knew Dan had asked her to meet up with him. He stood waiting smoking, his Mohawk higher than she remembered. His blue eyes glistening in the sun, his attire a lot different than she expected it to be, she expected him to be more like Con than her. His dark clothing which complemented his dark hair and Dc. Martens which were laced half way, his tight ripped jeans pushed into them. His Metallica tee-shirt almost buried him. He smiled, she returned his smile awkwardly. ‘I almost didn’t think you were coming, I almost gave up on you.’

‘I’m not that late am I?’

‘Almost half hour. I’ve waited longer.’

‘Sorry but mom was going on a bender that I was meeting up with you and asked me where Connor was. It took me an hour to explain to her that we were just friends and that I was seeing Connor later, then we were all going to the cinema. She recons I’m playing with fire and I’m going to get burned. Try telling someone whose not listening that we’re all just friends and nothing else.’

‘It’s cool red. I know plenty girls that turn up an hour late and leave you wondering if they’re gonna turn up at all, and when they finally decide to they turn up they’re with their friends when you think it’s just going to be the two of you.’

‘I’m sorry Dan.’

‘Don’t be. You’re the first that hasn’t.’

‘You’re my friend Dan.’

‘But you were still unsure that it was a good idea weren’t you?’

‘It’s just Con. He’s a little.’

‘Over protective.’


‘He’ll be cool red. We’re all friends, come on we’ll get a coffee or summert and get to know one another. Then maybe lunch before you meet Con.’


They walked away heading for the café which talk almost half an hour to get to from the lake. They sat down having a latte.

‘So how are you finding school?’


‘And the guys?’

‘They’re a bit full on.’

‘You’ll get use to it. Trust me.’

‘I guess.’

‘So are any of the slags giving you any hassle?’

‘Not really no, none of them talk to me.’

‘Ignore them. They’re just jealous red cause you’re the new skirt and you’re getting more attention than them.

‘I guess.’

‘You have friends red.’ He said placing his hand over hers. ‘You have us you don’t need anyone else.’

She looked at him, he smiled. ‘So where did you live before here?’

‘The city.’

‘And before? The accent.’


‘So you leave anyone behind?’


‘No one special.’


He smiled.

She quickly pulled her hand from under hers picking up her latte drinking it nervously.

‘I don’t offend you do I red?’

‘No why?’

‘Just you seem a little anxious around me, like you don’t want to be around me.’

‘It’s not you Dan.’

‘Con right.’

‘He just thinks every guy wants me.’

‘I do, but at a guess there’s others that do to.’ He looked at her. ‘Look red I really like you, but so does Con. We’re friends I’d like more, but it’s your choice who you want to be with.’

‘I’m not ready for any of that Dan.’

‘I understand, Con on the other hand I’m not sure how long he will though. A girl like you is worth waiting for trust me.’

They finished their lattes and left the café. ‘We’ll walk through the park and grab a bite to eat before you meet Con okay.’


They strolled through the park having a hotdog and a coke before heading off to the lake where Daniel left Autumn. ‘I enjoyed today red. I hope that we can do it again.’

She smiled slightly.

He moved forward pecking her in the cheek. ‘I’ll see you later okay.’


He turned walking away as she walked over the bridge sitting by the lake lighting a cigarette.

Connor sat next to her lighting a cigarette, he placed his arm around her kissing her cheek. ‘Afternoon babe.’

She looked at him. ‘Con.’

‘So have you been out here long?’

‘A while mom gave me a headache.’

‘How come?’

‘She disapproved of me going out with all you boys.’

‘We’re all friends babe.’

‘Try telling a brick that.’

‘I’ll tell her.’

‘It’s fine Con really, after an hour I walked out. She’ll be fine.’

‘Good.’ He said kissing her. ‘So are you still up for the flicks later?’


‘Cool. Back seat.’ He said raising his eyebrows.


‘We all sit on the back row babe.’

‘Oh okay.’

‘Don’t worry babe nought will happen.’

Connor and Autumn pulled themselves up walking away from the river heading into town to the cinema to meet their friends.

‘There they are.’

‘Bout time it starts in five.’

‘Well lets go.’

They all went in acquiring their tickets. Dan looking at Autumn unnoticed. Their tickets ripped before they went on sitting down in the back row. Autumn squashed between Connor and Daniel feeling uncomfortable as Connor placed his arm over the back of the chair.

The lights came back on they all pulled themselves up walking out the cinema, Connors arm hanging lifelessly over Autumns shoulders.

‘Well that was better than I thought it would be.’

‘So we all up for a burger and shake?’

‘I am. I’m starving.’

‘You always are Jay.’

They laughed. Walking into the burger bar sliding onto the booth ordering the burgers and shakes. Connors arm still over Autumn’s shoulders.

‘So have you got any plans for tomorrow guys.’

‘I for one am chillin.’

‘Me to.’

‘What about you Autumn any plans for tomorrow.’

‘She’ll be with me,’



‘Then she’ll be with me.’

‘She can answer for herself Con.’

‘I know.’

‘So Autumn you meeting Con tomorrow?’

‘I suppose.’

‘Dan what are you doing?’


They laughed.

‘So you’ve done all of your work?’

‘Most of it.’

‘Well you best do it unless you want detention.’

‘So what will you be doing tomorrow Ash?’

‘Tidying my room.’

‘Get Autumn to help she has a tidy room don’t you babe.’

She scoured at Con.

‘See I told you they were fucking.’

They slapped Jay, Dan kicked him. ‘Owe.’

‘Shut the fuck up it’s their business not ours.’

‘Were not okay. We done our homework in there just about found the bed.’

‘So it’s as bad as Ahs’s.’

‘It’s not that bad.’

‘Not according to your mom Ash it’s a ses pit.’

‘Like Autumns then!’ Connor cracked laughing.

She scoured at him.

The burgers, fries and shakes were placed on the table. ‘Cheers.’ They all chimed. Digging in as the waitress walked away

‘So how’s your second week been Autumn?’

‘Okay I guess.’

‘You had any run ins?’

‘Not really.’

‘Surprised, but I guess all the sluts and male whores are staying away or they’ll have Con to deal with aye Con.’


They all pulled themselves up leaving the burger bar.

‘Well I guess we’ll see you all Monday.’

‘You will.’


‘Yeah laters guys.’

They walked away Connor, Daniel and Autumn continued down the street. ‘Well I best be going Con. I’ll see you Monday.’

‘You will.’

They crashed fists.

‘Later red.’

‘Yeah Later Dan.’

He walked away.

‘He’s quiet.’

‘Is he can’t say I noticed.’

‘So, is it okay for me to see you tomorrow?’

‘Yeah it’s fine.’

‘I didn’t mean to spring myself on you like that but..’

‘It’s okay Con.’

‘About three it’ll give you time to do your homework.’

‘Yeah okay.’

He kissed her softly. ‘Night babe.’

‘Night Con.’

15th September

Autumn sat by the river smoking, the sun reflecting like a mirror across it, the water

rippling as the ducks swam across it. It was so peaceful out here.

‘Out here again?’

She looked over at him, his hair fell over his face. ‘Dan.’

‘Your mom said that you were out here.’

‘You went to my house?’

‘Yeah. She weren’t to pleased.’

‘We had an argument.’

‘So you didn’t get your homework done?’

‘Yeah early this morning before breakfast, before she started laying into me. I walked out slamming the door behind me.’

‘Gee I thought my mom held a grudge.’

‘I’m sorry Dan she thought you all wanted to jump on me.’

‘I can think of two of us that do, the others nagh I doubt it.’

She looked at him.


‘Don’t Dan.’

‘Why not? It’s the truth, I like you red so does Con. We can’t help it if our boners have other ideas.’

‘Why are you here Dan?’

‘I came round to see if you wanted any help with your homework, but I guess you don’t seen as you’ve already done it.’

‘I have, but thanks for asking anyway.’

He smiled. ‘So, when are you meeting Con?’


He moved closer, placing his hand on her face. ‘I really like you red. I hope we can be more than just friends.’

‘We can’t I’m sor..’

He pressed his lips on hers kissing er hungrily. He moved away Taylor stared back at her. ‘We’ll do something this weekend just the two of us. I promise, no friends just us.’

‘Red you okay?’

She looked at him her eyes glazed.

‘Red you okay?’

They softened. ‘Yeah I’m fine.’

‘You sure? Only your eyes were all dilated like you were on drugs or summert.’

‘No I’m fine really.’ She lied she couldn’t tell him what was going on she was unsure herself.

‘Well I guess I best be going, but if you ever need any help with your homework anytime.’

‘I will thanks.’

He pulled himself up. ‘Later red.’

‘Yeah later.’

He walked away, she lay back on the grass closing her eyes. His lips touched hers she quickly opened her eyes. He smiled. ‘Con.’

He lay beside her. ‘So have you seen Dan today? Only your mom said he’d been round. Her face said she weren’t to happy.’

‘Yeah he offered to help me with my homework.’

‘You sure, just he usually needs the help.’

‘Yeah that’s what he said.’

‘So what gives with your mom?’

‘She’s still pissed I went out with all of you yesterday.’

‘What she think we’re going to do, jump on you?’

‘That’s what she said.’

‘Really. Look babe I like you a lot, but there’s a time and place, the back row of the flicks ain’t it. The guys like you as a friend that’s all.’

‘I know.’

He ran his fingers through her hair. ‘I’d like more, but only when you’re ready and when you can trust me enough to tell me about your past so we can move on and get to know one another the way I want to.’

She looked at him nervously, he moved closer pressing his lips on hers kissing her hungrily. He moved away lying beside her holding her close. ‘But until you decide when you’re ready I’m here as your friend.’

He kissed her softly holding her.

Next chapter