


Caleb rang me the other night to let me know the good news. He and Avery had just landed in London and they would be there for the next six months then she was coming home. I couldn’t wait. She's been gone for two years and I’ve missed her so much. I know we didn’t part on good terms, but that was all Noah’s fault he just has to go and fuck everythng up and tell her that he still loved her and wanted her back. She was so confused, I know she loved me and would never go back to him we’d been togehter for two years and he just had to go and ruin it.

I can’t believe all the people she ran into was Caleb. He’s my best friend and I thought he would’ve brought her home so we could talk, but no he took her to his apartment and she refused to see me or anyone else for that matter. I knew she needed time. I only wanted to tell her that I understood and that and I’d be waiting for her so we could talk things through and I’d be okay with any decision she made. Even though the truth was I wasn’t. I didn’t want her going back to Noah. He'd hurt her and I was there to pick up the pieces and I was so glad she decided to give me the chance I always wanted with her to prove I wasn’t everything that Cray had told her I was.

I really loved her and I hoped that the time away she would still feel the same for me. I could only hope. I knew Noah would twist it all around to his advantage and I was prepared for that, she was mine all I hoped now her and Caleb hadn’t got together whilst she was away from me. I know how he felt about her. He'd told me enough. We’d kept in regular contact when we went to separate high schools because of his disruptive behaviour. I couldn’t believe the Avery I had met at college and fell in love with was the same Avery as the one he had constantly talked about and who was attending his school. She looked so sweet and innocent, I guess we can all be wrong. But who could blame her? When Caleb came to visit she’d told me everything when I asked her why she was attending a behavioural school. I couldn’t blame her after what that prick Ryaln Benson had done to her, and her friends god,ok glad my friends weren’t like them If Cally’s were I’d’ve had something to say about it. I’m glad,they weren’t and I’m certainly glad mine weren’t or they’d be six feet under. As for Caleb I’m still seething. He was so full of shit. I just agreed with everything he said when all I wanted to do was punch the fucker in the face. He was supposed to be my friend and he took my girl. He’s fucking dead when I get my hands on him. And as for Noah he better watch out I’m getting my girl back and he better stay out of my fucking way.

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