


"Holy Moly, Lena! Is that Aiden Crooks?" Renee exclaimed as I entered the room.

I nodded then swirled back to Aiden who was in his car.

He had a smirk on his face which meant he had been listening to our conversations.

"I wonder how I would get used to his supernatural abilities," I murmured to myself.

I had read a bit on the history of the Crooks family from the books I had borrowed in his library. Though it was still ambiguous, I understood some of the things about werewolves whilst reading the book.

Not only werewolves, other supernatural beings I never thought existed.

Aiden twisted in his seat, and he latched his gaze on mine. He grinned whilst hoisting his left brow in a way I now find cute.

I shifted from one foot to the other, then tucked a stray strand of my white hair beneath my ear.

His smile broadened when he noticed how flustered I was at his scrutiny.

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