
Revelation pt 1


I twisted on the fluffy king size bed I was on, jerked awake as my hands came in contact with a pillow instead of a warm body.

I felt the part of the bed Elena had slept on, to realize she had long gone out of it.

Swinging my feet on the frigid floor, I roamed around the house in only a pyjamas bottom, yelling her name.

I panicked as I received no reply and the image of yesterday's event flashed back into my mind.

Darting across the living room at full speed, I bumped into a warm body.

Elena yelped at the abruptness, and my hand shot out to steady her.

I noticed she was dressed up in the clothes she had been on the first day and her bag was with her.

She moved past me as my hands left her body.

"Where are you going?"

She halted, swirled and stared straight through me.

"Home." She replied with a poker face.

I shoved my hand through my hair whilst glaring at her. "You can't go home!"

"Why not?"

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