

Chapter 2 : "STRANGERS"

"LANCE!!!!!!", I shouted while checking where I was and I'm surprised that I'm inside my bedroom I knew it I have a bad feeling about that and by saying "bad feeling about that" what I totally mean is I'm dreaming AGAIN, yeah it was all just another dream of mine.

"TJ what happened? Are you dreaming again honey!?" mom shouted I think she's in the kitchen basing on her voice, yeah my whole family knows that I'm dream such kinds of things like this.

"Nothing mom! nevermind me here", I just got up from my bed and immediately went out of the room, in all of my dreams this is the only one that involves demons.

"TJ get ready, we're going somewhere later", mommy said as I went downstairs.

"Where are we going mom?"

"Just get ready and by the way why were you shouting earlier? Are you dreaming again?", mom asked I told you see she knows that I'm dreaming.

"It's just another bad nightmare mom anyways where's Paul? Is he going to join us later?", I asked as I tasted mommy's newly made salad.

"I think your brother is busy right now, speaking of your brother", mommy said while I was still eating, "Paul get down here ngayon na!", mom shouted.

"Seriously mom, where are we going?"

"We're just going to look at the land of your daddy's business partner in the subdivision", mom replied.

"Land?! Are we going to build a new house?" I said shockly.

"Yes sweetie but not now"

"Mom where's my pair of shoes?" Paul asked as he went downstairs.

"Who cares about your shoes dummy", I said whisperedly.

"Mom TJ's saying something again!", he complained to mom, did he even hear what I've said?

"You're a grown up now but you looked like a kid crying while someone stole your lollipop", I teased him, well it's what brothers and sisters do right?

"MOM!!!!", he shouted, see? he looks like the one I said about the lollipop.

"Both of you stop that, TJ go get ready", mommy said while continuing what she was doing.

"Okay Mom", I said and I immediately went to my room.

Few minutes later.

"TJ get down here already, we're going now!", mommy shouted as I fixed my hair.

"Wait mom I'm coming", I said and I immediately went downstairs.

After some time we've got inside the car, there's something bothering me my dream earlier still haunts my mind aside from the first time I had guns in my dream for the first time also, someone introduced himself to me and he's name is Lance right?

"Sweetie what's stuck on your mind?", mom asked while driving.

"Nothing mom, maybe I'm just tired", I said, actually I was stupid when I said that I was tired, the truth is I did nothing but sleep, maybe my brain was just tired because of my dream that turns out to be an action movie scene, how stupid.

"Rest for a bit sweetie we're still a bit far away", I just nodded, I'll took a nap maybe my dream will continue, who knows right?

Few hours later.

"Sweetie wake up, we're here", mom said while waking me up, I've realized that I was sleeping long enough and that actually feels nice but I didn't go back to my dream.

"We're already here?", I said while yawning, and I went outside the car.

"Sweetie come with me, so we can see the location", mommy said and I nodded, I just followed mommy and after some few minutes of walking mom stopped, in front of us I saw this Wide Land, some trees are still there I guess because someone doesn't live there yet so they didn't plan to cut it down.

"Mom is this it?", I asked while looking at the lands view.

"Half of this is ours, but the other half belongs to your father's business partner", mommy said, I guess we're going to have a close neighbor someday.

"Mom why do you want to show me this?", I asked while we're slowly walking.

"I just wanted to show you the land and I have an Employer to talk too here", mom replied.

"What Employer Mom?", I asked when mommy suddenly stopped walking and I stopped also.

"Mrs. Anderson over here", mommy shouted as a woman approached us.

"Mrs. Cruz nice to meet you", said the woman and at the same time reached out her hand to mommy and mommy immediately retaliated and they shook hands, what did you expect? that they're going to play rock paper and scissors instead of shaking hands?

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs.Anderson by the way this is my daughter TJ", mommy introduced me ,"TJ is Mrs.Bartolome the Employer that I'm talking about", I held out my hand to shake hands and she shook my hand also and kissed me in my both cheeks.

"Nice to meet you darling, you're so beautiful just like your mother", she said I smiled back from what she said.

"Thank you ma'am, you too also", I replied.

"Just call me auntie instead", she said, I guess another auntie wouldn't hurt, I'll be receiving more gift this Christmas from my aunt's right?

"Okay auntie", I said and I immediately turned to mommy ,"Mom I'll leave you here with auntie so you can talk properly, I'll just go there", mom just smiled at me so is Mrs.Anderson , signifies that she agrees to what I've said and before leaving I just nodded.

I immediately left mommy in front of a vacant lot to talk and I went to our car, thank ghad I brought my guitar inside the car, same old same old because every time mommy or daddy takes me with them I always bring my guitar so I can't be bored waiting for them.

I took my guitar inside the car and looked for a place to sit and there I saw a bench near the tree perfect spot indeed, I sat down there and started singing "True Colors" by Justin Timberlake and Anna Kendrick.

(AN: you can play the song for a better scene).

I also started playing my guitar, while singing I heard some noise and applause near by, then I saw 3 boys approaching me as they entered.

Enzo's POV:

I'm Enzo and I'm with Chase and Jaxon.

I'm heading home after playing basketball with the boys, I'm really tired of playing, while we were on our way home we heard someone singing, we lived inside this subdivision for years but the voice I heard was new to my ears.

As we continued walking we saw a girl sitting in our usual bench singing while playing her guitar damn she's beautiful even her voice is beautiful, it's not just me even the boys were amazed at the woman's voice, Chase walked fast actually he didn't walk he actually ran and approached the woman.


Three people approached me and I think they lived here and based on their clothes and the ball they were holding they came from a basketball game.

"Pretty amazing Miss", the man said while clapping, he probably heard me sing and play the guitar ,"by the way I'm Chase", he reached out his hand and I shook it.

"I'm TJ", I replied, how rude of me if I didn't introduce myself right?

"And I'm Jaxon", and another man also reached out his hand and I shook it also, "That's some pretty voice you have TJ, nice to meet you by the way", call me weird but I hate compliments when it comes to my talents, no one can blame me for that.

"Thank you for the compliments it's just some basic chords that I know", I said , I suddenly noticed that they had another one with them but it looked stupid while staring at us its kinda creepy actually, then Chase noticed me looking at the guy.

"Ohh by the way this is Enzo", Chase said while introducing the stunned man ,"Don't creep out TJ", Chase said and Jaxon laughed, you find it funny huh?

"Maybe Enzo was just amazed so he was stunned", Jaxon said and the three of us just laughed, okay maybe this is funny.

"Enzo wake up dude", when Jaxon keeps annoying Enzo, he suddenly regained consciousness as if it was from fainting.

"Bro did something happen?", Enzo said as the three of us just laughed again, okay this is not funny this is hilarious.

"Enz we've been standing here so long so why do you seem out of the world bro?", Chase's sarcastic language.

"Enzo this is TJ, TJ this is Enzo", Jaxon introduced us to each other, I put my hand on it and Enzo also held out his hand.

"Okay stop with the hand shakes, may I know why you are here TJ?", Chase asked, are you curious seriously, Am I forbidden here?

"Mommy and I just looked at this vacant lot, I guess we're going to live here soon", I said, just now I also noticed that the three were sweating while Enzo stared as I spoke, both Chase and Jaxon look so hot especially Enzo while he's holding the ball, gosh now I'm complementing their hotness damn cursed my mind, what am I thinking am I crazy?

"Hey TJ", he waved his hand infront of my face I saw Chase, ghad because of my thoughts I was stunned damn what am I thinking.

"Sorry about that, I just thought something for a moment", I said, while the four of us continued talking.

Suddenly a car stopped in front of us and then I saw mommy sitting in the drivers seat.

"Sweetie we need to go", mommy said and she just smiled at my companions.

"I guess this is goodbye?", I said, I felt bad that we'll end our conversation there, it's actually pretty nice to hang out with them.

"I guess it is, see you next time TJ", Jaxon bid goodbye, I just waved at them and they also waved as I got in the car and as we drove away from where the three of them we're standing.


Still curious about Enzo? Well the next chapter contains the continuation of this chapter, enjoy the next one.


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