
Food for the murders

Silvia Everstone I named myself and I quite naturally like my last name, it sounds mysterious.

I'm what others would call a sniper, like off those old video games, I kill people when told, they never know I'm there, and if they do then it's too late.

That's my job and I do it perfectly.

"Silvia, get down here!" Zion yelled as I stopped monologing from my sleep.

I rub the sleep from my eye as I get out from my top bunk bed, Zion situated near the end of the bed glares daggers into my back.

"We start daily training in 5 minutes and you're not even out of your bed," Zion says as if exasperated like we don't go through this routine every day.

"Okay Grandpa," I joke turning on a small light above the dresser. "I'd rather sleep than do any physical activities," I mumble pulling out my uniform from my tiny dresser by my bed, and start walking towards the restroom, Zion follows.

"Didn't know you wanted to see me naked jeez Zion" I exclaim in a mock high-pitched voice as I walk into a stall.

"What are you-. "

"I know, I know I'm beautiful sometimes I can't even look at the mirror my beauty just pops out," I feign as I put my hand on my face and tilt my head to look innocent and laugh as I go on.

"If you know what I mean." I pause "But commander you sir aren't really my type." I close the door to the stall.

"Whatever Silvia." Zion laughs, smiling wide. "We gotta go in 5 hurry."

After doing the necessary as quickly and as humanly possible I make it out of the stall with a minute overhead. Zion, our small unit commander, and my best friend for life since we could literally die any second. He follows me as I gear up checking my slightly modified M1911 and placing it in my holster which is strapped close to my waist, as I sling my rifle in its case over my shoulder I and Zion walk out of the barracks ready to start our day.

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