
Stay Dead

Smoking in bed was not as glamorous as Serenica had thought. They nearly set themselves on fire, and while they did laugh about it, they saw it as their best option to at least pretend to be functional people and move outside.

Serenica watched as people ran on the streets and screamed. Something moved within her groggy brain.

She had no idea what all those people were running from.

Then she saw the Black Mountain swooping down, flying dangerously low.

"Scale beast!" she screamed at the dragon. "What do you think you are doing?!"

The dragon seemed to be in a worse state of panic than the people it had scared. It made a leap for the roof of the new hall, apparently oblivious to the fact that the building was not meant for its weight.

The hall collapsed under the mighty beast.

"What the hell?!" Serenica yelled.

She ran towards the dragon, not caring that she was only clothed in a flimsy bathrobe.

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