
CHAPTER 50.5- Visiting the queen.

CHAPTER 50.5- Visiting the queen.

How did I meet Seiya? Well, I met him several years ago.

"Sorry for being late, I had some problems."

Sei Molfer and Mei were kneeling before a beautiful woman, the Queen of Gresha.

And what about me? Well... My mother forced me to come! Basically she kidnapped me!

I, 8 years old, was tied up on the floor and they taped my mouth.

We were meeting in the audience hall ... So is it called? I forgot... There were important nobles in the hall and the queen was seated on a throne.


"What's wrong with your son, Sei Molfer?"

"He didn't want to come, so I brought him in by force."

"Oh, I see... Take off the tape."


My mother took the tape from me.

"Mother, you are definitely crazy!"

"Boy, why didn't you want to come?"- said the Queen.

"I wanted to visit a dungeon located in the capital."

"Is the dungeon more important than me?"

—… "Is it forbidden to lie to the queen?"

"Yes, it is prohibited. You can't lie to me."

"Alright… Honestly, I don't consider her an important person and I don't respect her either. This country is full of corrupt nobles and people are starving. I honestly believe that you are a human scum and I hope you do something about it. If I were the king, I would take the lands away from the following families ..."


A woman tried to attack me with a sword.

I used my fire magic to break free from the rope and a barrier of ice appeared in front of me.

She couldn't cut through the ice with her sword ... Pathetic.

The ice disappeared and I jumped.

I kicked her in the face and she flew off.

She hit a wall and I landed ... Well, she asked for it.

"I guess you already noticed. The person who tried to attack me belongs to the "Firkpo" family. That family has a huge territory, but its citizens are very poor due to the huge taxes. Apart..."

I extended my right hand and began to create a sphere of fire.

"She tried to commit murder. Mother, can I?"

My mother nodded and I smiled.


I threw the fireball at the woman.

The sphere impacted with her and exploded.

There was nothing left of her ... Nothing.

"He murdered Tika!"

"He committed murder!"


Sei Molfer started laughing and got up.

"You idiots, listen up! I came to solve the problem with the corrupt nobles. We need strong soldiers in the future. If the situation continues like this, this country will be in ruin. We already have the most corrupt noble families in our sights. I just need the queen's permission to get started. Majesty, may I?"

The queen smiled and nodded.

"Sorry to be so useless. Please lend me your strength."

I smiled and my flaming sword appeared in my right hand.

"Let's get started."

"Ah, how good I feel! I'm a killer who kills bad people ... I think I've gotten used to it ... I no longer feel guilty about their deaths."

I was in the huge bathroom of the royal castle. The water in the pool was warm and it was very relaxing to be here.

I miss my world, but this world is not so bad.

At first I suffered a bit with the baths, but I got used to it. Fortunately, I learned how to transform food into magical energy, so I never go to the bathroom ... Never. The waste from my body is transformed into magical energy ... Hardly anyone knows how to do that. My family can't ... I think only my mother and I can. I learned how to do it when I was 7 years old.

"Killing the nobles and replacing them is cruel, but necessary ... This world is lucky to have me as the protagonist. If they had a crying and sensitive protagonist, he would not dare to kill them and the problems would take longer to solve."

Someone went into the bathroom ... Wow, wow... That person was Seiya... My mother had told me she was a man ... He dresses as a woman to satisfy his mother ... Its something sad.

He was wearing only a towel.

"I suppose I should treat her like a woman."- I thought.

Well, I figured it was the right thing to do.

"Hello Princess."


I think this is the first time we spoke ... Let me introduce myself. My name is Kei Molfer, I'm your age and my favorite hobby is sleeping. Nice to meet you."

"M-my name is Seiya ... Lovely to meet you."

"I don't understand!"

I was still in the secret base, thinking about the reasons for Seiya's crush.

"What don't you understand, nya?"

"We were together for a couple of days. She asked me to tell her about my adventures and show her my magic ... But that's not enough for her to fall in love with me... I didn't save her from an enemy ... I did not try to conquer her ... Why did she fall in love with me? I think she just wants to be my friend ... She is in school for another reason."

"Love is a mystery, Kei."- Terkiana said.

"I never imagined that I would fall in love with a little boy."- Nerka said.

"I say the same."- Said Eris.

"Me too."- Said Drin.

"I am his wife, so I had to fall in love too."- Terkiana said.

Shit, that doesn't tell me anything.

"By the way, Kei, how much time do you have left?"

"I have to go in 5 minutes."

Eris took my arm and licked my face.


"You already did it with Drin, it's my turn, nya."


Nerka took me by the arm too.

"No, it's my turn!"

"I'm not a sex toy!"

Shit, I feel violated.

Day after day, I must do it with them.

All of them treat me as if I were a sex toy... Well, almost all of them.

Nem and Mio treat me like a friend. I've never done it with them. They see me as a friend ... Fortunately.

Nerka raped me the first time we did it ... She was a virgin, but she raped me in a savage way.

I had activated my "Seduce Women" skill with a bandit who tried to attack me. She looked suspicious and wanted to get the information out of her ... But my skill got out of control ... And since Nerka was close, my skill affected her and she raped me.

I did it with Terkiana two months ago ... She fell in love with me because of my strength ... Elves truly are a warrior race.

I found it a bit disturbing to have a relationship with Terkiana and Nerka at the same time ... Terkiana is Nerka's grandmother ... That situation seemed uncomfortable ... But they didn't really care.

But, supreme God, please, don't let Nerka's mother fall in love with me... I think she's married ... Ufff, I was saved. Me salvé.

My life was definitely completely ruined and I became the person I hated the most. I became a protagonist with harem.

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