
Chapter 62 General Assembly

"...Remember this day of disgrace! Vineta was deliberately attacked by the Tanilia Federation. Until a week ago, the governing committee was still in talks with the Federation to maintain peace in the inland sea.

But history will testify that the Tanilia Federation had long premeditated and carefully planned this attack. They deceived Vineta with their hypocritical statements and posturing of maintaining peace.

Our fleet suffered heavy losses, our naval ports were burned to ashes, and many brave Venetians lost their lives.

The fact is self-evident: the enemy has launched an attack against us. As an official of the Venetian Republic, I have ordered the army and navy to take all necessary measures.

The sea remembers forever, and Vineta will always remember Tanilia's undeclared war. Under the watch of the gods, I swear: no matter how long it takes, no matter how much blood is shed, even if the entire inland sea is dyed red, we will uphold our justice!

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