
Chapter 35.


"Kai-!" Was my first reaction when I saw him. He came for me!

After everything... he still came to save me from this damned thing. Granted, I'm not some damsel in distress, but damn did it feel good to still be loved by him, even after I messed up. Badly.

After all of this, there's no doubt in my mind: I will forever remain with him. Through tough times and hardships, we will unite and become one. One being. Whole together. Like a boat drawn to a lighthouse, he is mine and I am his.

Although, when his gaze landed on me, it was full of pure rage, and I'm not sure whether he was angry with me or with Hawks. Though my initial reaction was to squirm under his intimidating eyes.

"Let Y/N go." Overhaul bellowed, his voice had an edge to it. Shouting was not something he did often, though when he did, you knew about it.

It was hot.

"And why on earth would I do that, hmm?" Hawks replied, approaching me from behind and placing a hand below my chin, tilting my head back forcefully. Then feeling a sharp blade against my throat, it made me shudder.

How could he do this to me? He's supposed to be a bloody hero!

"Because, I know you aren't a bad guy. You are one of good nature. You're loyal and you help those in need, Hawks. Now I need you to help someone in need, someone you've endangered. Don't go to a dark place, where it'll be impossible to return from. Let her go, please." Kai's voice was slightly shaky at the end, as if he were concerned for my safety.

Now, that? That was a true man. A man who could show emotion. A man who could care for his woman, while not having a worry in the world as to what anyone thinks if he were to cry for her in public.

And I know he would do that for me, obviously in the most extreme cases, but nonetheless, he loved me.

I didn't deserve him.

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