
Halloween Special 3.

// A/N: How are you fangirls and boys enjoying these side-stories? Should I make more for other holidays such as Christmas and Easter? If you don't like them, also let me know. I should be back to the main storyline necessarily soon. Enjoy!

•Overhaul's POV•

"What do you think?" That blue-haired freak had asked me.

What do I think?

What do I think?



Specifically, the nurse which had been treating me. I didn't ask for this, I asked for a second chance, in my own body.

I reached my newly thin fingers across my body, and these definitely new body parts among it all.

I couldn't imagine what would have happened to the actual owner of this body. Out of this and death, death would have been much preferred. Being a woman was not part of my to-do list.

I continued to run my hands across the PJ's in the body-length mirror. This is embarrassing, but overall- I'm glad nobody(except that blue-haired weirdo) knew about this mishap.

What was I going to do about the Yakuza, though? I couldn't just stroll in, especially with this newly-aquired body.

I had finally gotten used(not really) to the body, and found myself just putting slippers on and walking out. I couldn't bear the thought of getting changed in a woman's body.

I swung the front door open, and found myself in the middle of nowhere. I walked down the front-porch stairs and onto the dirt road infront of the wooden farmhouse. There was nothing around, only a distant forest surrounding the entirety of the house.

I couldn't take this. Did she actually live here, or is this another one of those terms the blue-haired freak insisted I shouldn't have read?

I couldn't pinpoint this scenario at all.

This must be a dream- a nightmare even.

I began laughing. How could I think this was actually real? Me- becoming a woman? I continued to guffaw loudly.

I soon heard a creak behind me, and spun around.


I turned back around and found myself face-to-face with the blue-haired freak, AGAIN!

I couldn't get enough of this guy, could I?

I took a few steps back and subconciously raised my hand to my face- no.. My mask, it's gone. Completely eradicated- and replaced with some sort of metal muzzle.

The pain had finally kicked in as sharp parts of the muzzle dug into the corners of my mouth.

So this was the agreement.

I become some bitch stranded in the middle of nowhere, while he gets to observe and laugh at me.

I couldn't believe myself- I should've read the agreement- and should've known this guy was shifty!

No... No, this couldn't be it..

No, I won't let this be it..

I continued to watch as the blue-haired freaks laughs echoed into the empty surroundings.

This is despicable..

No... I have to get away.

I turned on my heel and began to run down the dirt path- but.. I got nowhere, it was like a conveyor belt, I was being pushed backwards while continuing to run.. No..


I gasped as I sat up, holding my face and awaking from my deep slumber.

I looked over to the other side of my bed and Y/N laid there, still asleep in the darkness of my room. I couldn't believe I had trusted her so easily- after what had happened only a few days ago.

I laid back down, and let out a short sigh as I shut my eyes, and fell back asleep.

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