
Palpak And Malbath

"Hmm...if his body was fine after you hit him, then he's definitely good, but...there's something I don't like about him."


Professor Palpak said as his eyes sharpened. It seems that he really didn't like how Lucifer smell.

However, Professor Palpak was not talking about his literal smell. Professor Palpak was talking about how...Lucifer was acting.

"He feels...." Professor Palpak as he tried to find the right word in his mind.

And it didn't take him long to arrive at the answer that he wanted as he continued to speak.

"He feels fake. Don't you think so, Malbath?"

Right, for Professor Palpak, Lucifer feels fake. It feels like every action he takes was calculated, and Professor Palpak didn't like that at all.

After all, youngsters should just do whatever they want, and be real to themselves.

Professor Palpak thought that it was unnecessary for Lucifer to act like that.

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