
A Very Mafia Christmas Pt 3

The end of the night rolled over without anything happening. Samuel had planned everything perfectly for the next day which meant that the princess got to enjoy one more night without much of a disturbance except for an overly affectionate night partner who she was still getting used to sharing bed space with. 

She wondered how normal couples managed to do it without being driven crazy. Perhaps that was a secret she would never find out.

The only part of the next day that was normal for Lena was breakfast. Samuel had informed Ryan of what his plans were which influenced what he made that morning. He opted for something lighter as he knew of those who were at the breakfast table would be getting very active shortly. Eating too much wouldn't do them any good. 

Somehow it didn't surprise Lena that Jovani and Alonso ended up showing up shortly after breakfast was done. The older cousin could have the most impeccable timing when he wanted to. 

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