
Merciless world II

Partying continued until late hours, making for a great stress relief. As much as wind and sun wasn't an issue inside the walls and tents, scorching or freezing air was present nonetheless. That is why it is called cursed lands, I guess.

I got up and looked around. All of the people here were utterly drunk, only I remaining standing. I did drink few shots but then switched to apple juice. Way better, I guarantee.

I started counting all of the people, making sure no one was just strolling around. All of them are here, making my effort unnecessary.

I looked at few specific people. Gus was just laying on the floor without his T-shirt, after singing his classic 'drunk solo'. As much as it was amusing, it was destructive to his surroundings. I could only sigh at the sight of that.

Will and others just laid on the table, even including trouble quadruple.

And you won't guess what Claire was doing.

"*Snore !*"

Yes, she was also sleeping. What have you thought ? heh.

I took out my phone. It was currently 4:34am, leaving something of about two hours to sunrise. As annoying as it is, I am going to start packing things up. As I said multiple times, earlier we are out of here the better.

I started with tents, mainly mine. They possessed a convenient function of auto-packing mode, which I activated on all of the tents aside of that with slaves, baggages and one with vehicles in it.

All of the tents were reduced to a simple and convenient cubes. Blessing of technology one can say.

I then did a round around the camp. In the distribution point of meals there was still many food left. Normally, if one didn't eat it we would just throw it out, but ...

I went towards the baggage section and dug up paper plates. I then picked some pieces of meat, without any bones of course. Adding some potatoes to just make it richer. As there was too much for me to hold, I used my ability making a various platforms in the air. I placed plates on them and made my way towards the slave tent.

As I got inside, a disgusting smell assaulted my nose. Someone shit themself ? I got deeper inside and saw this menacing piece of smelling shit. What I did ?

Blasted it out of existence of course. Slaves around got startled by it, however I could see a relief on faces of few because of that. I placed few plates just before the cell, not saying anything. No matter what I said, they just won't respond. I was one that put them here in the first place, no surprise here.

I then went towards the separate cell, where a dog girl was. She was secluded from males because ... you can probably guess why.

I placed a bigger plate slightly before her cell. Girl herself was awake, staring at me with hatred and confusion. Why was I giving her this food ? Why did I catch her ? Is it poisoned ?

"Eat, kid. No poison in there, you are too valuable to poison ... I hope that you will get to eat such a meal some other time around."

I said while looking at her, turning around in half of the sentence.

"W-Wait !"

She replied. Wow. Beast people usually stay silent, some kind of population wide bro-code.

"What is it ?"

I asked. She had a really soothing voice, she will sell for even more.

"Why do you all hunt us down ?! What did we do to you ?!"

She asked, half-yelling.

"That is how it is, kid. Monsters hunt people, we hunt you and you, in turn, help us as a labor force, stress reliever, meat shield and sport ... The last one for psychos only though. heh, vicious cycle, very much so. Welp, wish you luck, we won't be talking again. See ya !"

I replied, making my way out of the tent.

Naive kid, really. Really brings back the memories.

As I was mostly done with important minor stuff, I decided to do one of the exercises for my ability.

I made a crimson knife in my hand and placed it with its tip on the tip of my finger. I then started manipulating direction it was falling to. This exercise is meant to improve a stability of my power, allowing for me to control it better.

Now that I am pro at it, this thing is just for relaxing and reminiscing.

I looked up, seeing a ceiling full of stars. One good thing that you can tell about this cursed land, is that it has a great view on night sky, unrivaled by any in the city. I decided to lay down, even if it is for a while. Ground was freezing cold, however nothing unmanageable. I looked in this nothingness, mesmerized by the sky. Truly a beautiful sight to see.

I went back to the party site, maybe to get drunk and knock myself out.

Making it back, I saw some improvement. Gus was turning around, signifying that he will wake up soon. Rest of the guys were turning from time to time, showing some signs of slowly waking up. Claire was lying on my chair, snoring loudly from time to time. From her position, I can tell that she will wake up with the feeling of shattered spine. As such, I picked her up princess carry style, planning to place her on one of the mattresses. Of course, if things can go wrong, they will.

While I was lying her down she dragged me down with her, forcing me to lay down beside her. Then she latched onto me, probably intending to suffocate me with her mounds of flesh. As much as I wanted to get a hug, I don't want to die, at least yet.

I enhanced my body in crimson light, making me way more agile than normally, allowing me to somehow wriggle out.

Once out, I dusted myself. I walked towards my chair and finally, sat down.

I looked towards what was left on the table. Seven bottles were present, six of them possessing alcohol and the last one, having my precious apple juice.

I took the seventh one, of course. As much as alcohol was a good option, only hour was left before the sunrise, making it not appropriate to get drunk now. Grabbing it, I searched for my glass, finding it rather quickly. I then poured it into it, leaving bottle empty ... my disappointment is immeasurable and my week is ruined.

It was somewhat costly, even more so the quality that I buy. Sighing, I pick up the glass. And then start just enjoying the taste. Fuck their money, I will ask this apple juice company for investor's card, maybe I will get a fucking discount.

I then just sit there and started dozing off a little.


"Chief !"

I heard a voice from beside me, belonging to none other than Gus, that one guy that was able to just approach me without any fear that I will just destroy him.

"Oh, hey Gus. What hour it is ?"

I asked. I seemed to doze off quite hard.

"It is 7:32am, chief."

He responded.

"Jeez, I told you to end it with 'Chief' thingy, you can call me Chara, we know ourselves long enough."

"I can't do that, Chief."

He responded. What a troublesome man.

I stood up and started to stretch a little. Bones in my body cracked delightfully, making me more awake.

I looked around. Vehicles were already started, tents were packed up, catches were in cages and baggages were on the bigger vehicle.

The only thing left was a wall, which packing process really fascinated me.

"Well done, guys. You ended before 8am. We can finally get out of here. Come on, let's get this beast packing."

I jumped on a bike, accompanied by Claire. Yes, we didn't have enough bikes for everyone.

My squad consisted of 12 people, having 6 bikes and two trucks. Four bikes were occupied by newbies, no matter how I didn't want them to. I was on one and Gus was on another, rest of the squad being on the truck. But, as space in truck was rather tight, Claire just wouldn't fit there. Thus, she is driving on the bike. She had to chose between me and Gus, but Gus's bike was occupied by his massive body, as such I was only option left.

"Hey Claire, how was night ?"

I asked.

"Yes, it was good. I still can't figure out who put me on this mattress-"

"That would be me. Waking up feeling like your spine is shattered wouldn't be the best for you."

"... thank you."

"You're welcome."

By the time we ended our conversation, we made it towards the control panel. Various blue themed buttons and levers were present, all written in different language, making it impossible for normal person what each did.

For normal person, which in turn was none present in here.

"Everyone has their stuff ?!"

I shouted out, for everyone to clearly hear me. They all started checking around for their more valuable things. After receiving an 'ok' from all of them, I pulled the lever.

In this moment, from tops of the watchtowers present on the wall, a blue beam shot out, incinerating anything that was in its radius. It continued, until it covered entirety of the ground.

It was a 'clean up' feature present in nearly every type of the wall. It would fry up any person it reaches, it also being the reason why it can hold off most of the strong monsters.

I then clicked the big blue button, starting the 'packing up' process.

Walls started rising up, making it a little higher than this bigger person on the truck. It then started pulling, wall against wall, tower against tower, turning into the cube quite quickly. It was really fascinating how they do that.

We were immediately assaulted by a howling wind. I was ready for that, activating my barrier around the whole team. A crimson bubble was surrounding all of us soon enough, granting a protection from the wind. I made Claire be the one driving, making it easier for me to focus on maintaining the barrier.

"Okay, pull out !"

I shouted, making Claire start driving. I hold onto her, putting my head beside hers, having a clear view of the road before us. My bubble, no matter how I wish, doesn't have anti-kinetic purposes. I exhaled, I still had many things to learn because of my power.

We continued onwards, compass showing us the way towards one of the great gates, mainly the one where our main base was stationed.

On the way, we saw different creatures strolling around, making weird laughter-similar noises.

Their skin dark green, making them stand out like a sore thumb on the desert-themed ground. Long noses and short statures, every games first opponent.


"Gus ! Mind quickly taking care of them ?!"

I shouted towards the guy beside us. I still had to keep up the bubble, as such I wasn't able to just cut them up.

He responded with a simple nod, turning autopilot on and jumping on goblins, ripping them apart. As gruesome as this sight is, this is just a reality for this type of creatures, pests. Slaughtering of them took priority, dwindling their number was kind of an unsaid rule to all ability-users, no matter the affiliation or organization.

Gus was done with them fast enough for us to don't have any need to stop, which was good. He jumped back on his bike and continued onward.

We continued in our caravan formation. Three bikes on each side of the truck, serving for quite reliable defense. Of course, with all defensive and offensive ability users on the truck it didn't need any defense, rather the bikes were the on needing it.

Newbies abilities were as follow;

- First guy's ability increased his durability the more he was punched. It on itself was quite useful, although lacking in offensive.

- Second guy was able to transform in any kind of monster he was able to kill by himself. A great power, although guy himself was quite ... weak.

- Third one spilled fire from his mouth if he wanted to. Nothing too useful because aside of that, he is normal human.

- The last guy's ability was to teleport from one place to another, apparently, only within 10 meters. Great power, however user is just too weak.

As much as their abilities had potential, the users themselves were spoiled brats, not able to handle anything that is outside of their mansions.

In a moment, a huge structure started being visible on the horizon.

A huge wall, easily towering our movable wall. It was known as Imperial Wall. Stuffed with the newest technologies, it was able to defend against Titan level monster, as well as stalling a Fiction level monster for quite a while.

Oh ? You don't know about monster classes ? ... tehe.

Okay, allow me to elaborate then. Monsters are classified in six classes;

- Pest class. Normal goblins, small and medium spiders and frenzied rabbits, monsters that were weak by themself but quite powerful in groups.

- Minor class. Goblin brutes, more commonly called hobgoblins, giant spiders. Monsters that are able to cause a threat to an untrained ability user.

- Major class. Goblin king with his herd, Giant slime or an abomination. Monsters that re able to cause a significant threat to Silver ranked ability user.

- Giant class. Ultima Slime, Arachne with her herd. Monsters able to endanger an A grade wall and to kill an Gold ranked ability user.

- Titan class. Abyssal Lich, minor shoggoth. Creatures able to easily put down an A grade wall as well as ending lives of multiple Diamond grade ability users, as well as having a death battle with adamantine ranked ability user.

- Fiction class. Lich emperor, Shub-Niggurath. Only two monsters of Fiction class to ever be discovered. Easily trampling any ability user of any rank, aside of Fantasy class. Fight with them is not advised. Any seeing of even the smallest hint of existence of Fiction level threat are to be reported and all (two) Fantasy class ability users are to be dispatched.

Well, that is if it is about the monsters class.

We were drawing to the gates, a massive and heavily decorated gates.

They were easily the biggest one you will ever see, so good to be taking views into your memory.

On both sides stood a massive silhouettes of knights holding a giant swords. Not many know however, that this are magically created golems. In case of Titan or Fiction level threat they would come out and fight. Ah, it was a beautiful sight that one time.

As always, there was a crowd gathered before the gates. Many of them tried to get in, foolishly thinking that they will be let through.

We drove towards the special way through, reserved for head hunters or guild's ability users. Many people tried latching onto our bikes and vehicles, only to be blown away by red blast. There wasn't any place for them inside the walls. The only way you get out and inside the gate is by having a head hunter pass, being a nobility or paying enormous amount of money for citizenship.

Guards approached us to see our badges and after checking in, we finally got into the walls.

How good it is to be home.

[Little shorter than the first one, not gonna lie. It is set to be Yuri, hope you will like~]

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