After the attack on the community has been cleaned up, and things seem to be safe, and seem to be going back to normal again. People start beginning to get upset at they find out their loved ones are still alive out there, and terrible things are happening to them. People don't agree with Shannon's decision to making an agreement with them, they feel as if she has betrayed with them. Many people leave, and others go out to look for them and plan a pointless attack on them. With the community dwindling, the leader falls into a deep and dark depression. She feels like she had let the community down, and she believes that she might have betrayed the community. With no leader, the community then begins to fall apart, and after the smaller group finds out about the agreement Shannon made with them they refuse to join them. Their leader does their best to keep in contact with them however, and see if there is any way that they have a chance. But with no leader to guide them, Christian is not sure that the community has much chance at making it. Ben is now alone after finishing his training, and Sasha, has gone back to hiding from him once again. All he has left is his little brother, and he too begins to fall into a dark depression. But there is someone still out there that is looking to help him, and Ben seems to always find a friend that he can rely on in the deepest and darkest of nights...
2 people sat in a strange, but quite large cabin. They watched, as the 3rd person that they had just been with, began to walk out of the cabin. As the man then walked out, he looked at the door on the way out, as it felt like he had made a mistake.
He knew that it was not a mistake though, he knew what it was that needed to be done. He wanted her back so badly, none of it mattered any more. She had been his everything at one point in his life, before all of this madness, and all of this chaos had ensued on this world.
She had really hurt him, and it was hard to think about it, because he had once really truly loved her. He knew that he was being used, and he knew that she was not actually in love with him any more. She was in love with that strange leader of theirs.
He did not care though, he had thought that she had been dead after all of this had gone down. He had been trying to get back with her for years before all of this, even though how badly she had used him, and how badly she had hurt him.
He got to see her face today, that was step one. Maybe next time they would actually get to see each other in person. After that was, they attacked his community. He felt a bit sick from it as well, as he knew that he had betrayed all of them.
Just like his ex wife had done to him, it had hurt him so badly, that he did not care about anyone else anymore. He just wanted her back, he did not care bow many people had to die to get her back in his arms. He still felt sick, and a bit guilty as he walked away from the cabin.
He did not look back at the door on his way out this time, as he did not want to think about what he had just done, it made him feel a bit sick. There was good people in the community... He had at least made some sort of promise with the man, a good promise as the man would like to say.
If you wanted to call it that, that was his way of trying to act nice. He was not a very nice person in fact, he was more of an evil person. The man shook his head, as he no longer needed to worry about any of that, he was so close to getting her back, and that is all that he needed to think about.
He then walked aways, with a bit of his own smile on his face this time, as it felt so wrong, but oh, it felt so good at the same time as well. He closed his eyes, as he then walked deep into the woods, to a safe place, where he knew he would not get bit by the dead.
Back to the men that were in the cabin, they both had smiles on their faces, as they knew what they had just done. They had made the deal, it was all over now... The 1st man began to speak back to the 2nd man, who was a bit smaller that the first.
"This is all going to end up going great, believe me Anderson..."