
ch 3. the fight

kook got used to live behind bars. he got used to the food and the noises, the surroundings. the yard outside, even his make outs with joon in the night. but he couldnt get used to the sexuell comments and ass grabbing. he went to the yard. maybe tae knew what to do.

on the basketball court he saw suga and tae in one team, against this big guy hunter and his boxmate. the game was heated. they didnt gave each other any ground. kook walked over to joon and jin to the benches. "wow whats their agenda?" joon smiled. "suga doesnt like to lose thats all. tae is pretty good."

kook smiled and watched the game. "so did u put that bird into your cage?" jin whispered to joon. kooks ears just grew bigger. he wanted to hear what they were talking. joon looked slightly annoyed at jin. "not yet. the bird is not fully in the cage" "u better hurry up. i heard a lot of plans of changing this birds box." "if anyone tries than he surly has a deathwish. thats my bird!" joon wisper-yelled. he got pissed.

jin just smiled at him and turned his head to kook. "so jungkook how are you adjusting in here? is joonie nice to you?" kook looked at joon "yeah he is nice and i get used to be here. thanks for asking jin." jin nodded. "good good, just stay close to him" he pointed at joon. kook quickly looked at joon and said "yeah sure, jin"

*what the heck are they talking about?* he turned back to the match.

they went back inside. kook grabbed taes arm. "ouch! oh hi kookie! did u see the match?" his face was red and he looked excited. sweat ran down. "yeah yeah. just shut it for a second. do u know what a bird in here means?" tae looked astonished. "u dont know?" "i wouldn't asked, would i" kook got annoyed. tae leaned to kooks ear "we are the birds" kook backed away "what?" "as long as we are birds, we likely get raped. if we get an official mate kinda thing, the others will left us alone." kook looked angry. "what does that mean?" "sex, kook. sex" kook pushed his breath out. "so we have to do the real thing, than we are safe?" "u already knew that u have to pay for your protection." tae rubbed kooks arm. "yeah, but i thought it would be enough what we are doing now..."

tae looked shocked at him. "oh? what are u doing?" "u know.... kissing, touching and jerking off each other" he whispered." "ah ok, i thought u did something new. suga stuck his thing between my thighs yesterday and thrusted until he came. his juce was all over my legs. disgusting" he scrunched his face.

now it was kooks time to look shocked at tae. "he did what?" "hm, he said he hasnt have the patience now to prep me for fucking. so he just did that. what do u mean he meant with prepping? preping what?"

kook rolled his eyes. "he meant getting your hole ready for his dick, tae" taes eyes were round and big as plates. "oh fuck! i forgot where the dick is going in... maybe if i just suck him, like u did with joon, he will not want the other hole?" he looked at kook with pleading eyes.

kook shrugged his shoulders. "maybe u should try that. u know how it goes?" "think so. i mean i am a man too, so what i would like if somebody sucks me off, will be good for him too, right? and u could do it too" he grinned at his friend. kook just sighed.

*sometimes i really think he is too innocent for this world, and a fucking moron* kook returned to his box.

joon was nowhere. kook layed down on his bed and was immersend in his thoughts. he didnt want joons monster near his hole at all. if he puts its in he will bleed to death for sure. so no options there. maybe he should try this thigh thing, tae talked about. he got starteled when joon came in.


"i will not let your huge monster in the near of my hole down there, just so u know!"

joon froze. he looked at kook as if he talked about fairys and flying horses.


"u heard me! i dont wanna bleed to death or get any other death your anaconda is capable of! i will not let u fuck me! just so we are clear on that matter!"

joon sat down on the chair. he stroked his hair back. "what is it with u now?"

"i heard u with jin and i know what a bird is! i know we need to have sex for my payment and my protection. but thats so wrong! i dont want that"

kook already had tears in his eyes. "so calm down now." joon leaned his ellbows onto his knees and rubbed his eyes. "are u really scared of my dick?" kook nodded. joon sighed. "and what u think should we do our time togeter than? jerking and sucking off the next few years?" kook nodded enthuastily. "yeah, i would prefer that. or we could do that thigh thing tae told me suga did to him."

joon scoffed and took a huge breath.

"listen jungkook. i didnt force u to sleep with me. i mean i didnt rape u. i could have do that on our first night in this cell together and i could do that every night u stayed here. but i didnt. cause i am not a rapist. i dont really like violence, but i will use it if its necessary. got that."

"so u wanna force me to fuck?!" kooks voice got loud. he was furious. joon raised his hands in defence.

"i didnt say that"

"u just said it! u are an asshole!"

"hey dont raise your voice against me!"

"i can do what i want. dont ever touch or speak to me again! got that?!"

kook screamed. joon stood up, grabbed kook by his shirt and threw him to the wall. he got very close to his face. kook grabbed joons hands on his shirt. "let me goooo!" he wiggled around, tried to get out of the grib. "listen u stubborn child!" joon hissed into kooks face.

kook stood still and just looked into joons face. tears ran down.

"i dont know why you are in such a panic. i didnt force u to do anything. u came on your own into my bed and u liked what we did. dont deny that."

kooks held his head down. "look at me" joon demanded. the boy left his head slowly. joon started to caress his cheeks.

"i know you are scared and confused. but i will not do something to u, u dont want. okay? and we will see where it takes us. u are safe with me. nobody will know if we do it for real or not. so dont panic."

kook nodded. he put his arms around joons neck and hugged him.

"i m sorry. i just... got panic. u are huge, that thing will hurt! i dont wanna die from it. not in here." he cried into joons chest.

*oh my god what is he thinking?! iam not THAT big for fucks sake! and everybody liked my cock in the end...*

joon took his little bird to his bed and they layed down. "come on. sleep a little bit. i'll be there." kook nuzzled into joons chest and listened to his heartbeat. he fell asleep rather quickly. joon layed there puzzeld.

*what in the hell got him so worked up? great, that will take a lot of time until i can get the real sex back into our conversations. maybe i should ask jin for some advice.... thigh thing he said... hmmm okay*

suga was first back from the shower and was on his bed. legs tangled from the edge. he rubbed his hair dry with his towel, when tae came in.

tae stood there and just watched suga with his head tilded.

"what?" suga asked.

"can i suck u?"

suga almost fell from his bed.


"do u want a blowjob from me?"

suga still looked shocked.

"u wanna blow me?"



tae shrugged his shoulders.

"it cant be that hard? can i try?" "really?"

tae nodded. suga came down, still looked confused.

"why again?"

tae sighed.

"i dont think i am ready for the fucking, so i thought i suck u instead. u will be pleased and i get more time."

he said it very nonchalant, but inside he was almost vomiting.

suga watched taes expression carefully, than he smirked.

"do u really have the guts to blow me that good that i come?"

taes breath hitched. he nodded.

"i can try. but dont come in my mouth. i dont think i am ready for that either"

suga laughed.

"good. sit down"

tae nervously sat down on his bed watched every move suga made. suga came very close to taes face and slid his pants down.

"there it is. now show me some magic"

suga whispered. tae gulped.

*great. me and my big mouth. use your brain first man!..... i need more spit*

he grabbed carefully sugas dick and looked at it, than he opened his mouth and let his tongue out, to get a taste of it. suga squinted his eyes a bit and waited for the boy to do his job. after some licks on the tip, tae finally got the guts to put it all in. he started to lick around the lenght and got faster.

*it isnt so bad at all*

he got excited after he noticed that the cock got hard slowly but steady. so he put more effort in his doings.

*l do it like i would like it*

suga moaned quiet. *he is good.*

tae started to bob his head now and used one of his hands. the other was on sugas hip. sugas breath became uneven, he grabbed taes hair on the back of his head and started to thrust his hips a bit to get more into taes mouth. his moans got louder.

tae at this point wasnt thinking of anything, he was just so concentrated on suga that he didnt even care that suga was actually mouthfucking him now. a few thrusts later and he came. tae cought.

"ewww! i told u not to come in my mouth!"

he spit on the floor and wiped his lips with sugas towel. sugas chest was heaving and he was panting hard.

"sorry, i got so into it. damn boy do u even have a gag reflex?"

"i dont think so. why?"

"i was never that deep into a mouth"

suga sat down on the chair. tae smiled proudly.

"so was it good than?" suga looked at him with scrunched eyebrows.

"i came, didnt i?"

"so we can do that again?"

*i died and landed in heaven, this boy cant be true!*

"yeah sure. if u want to."


tae clapped and smiled. suga just shook his head and turned to the ladder.

"are u gonna sleep upstairs?"

"why? u want me in your bed?"

tae nodded and smiled.

"yes please"

suga sighed.

"ok, but dont tell anyone"


tae layed down and cuddled with suga. suga looked at taes face and smiled.

*stop that! thats not good yoongi! dont get any feelings!*

"fuck it" suga mumbled and fell asleep.

Next chapter