
Dragon (2)

A scream erupted from Evanna's mouth as her stomach dropped before falling from the skies. Her scream caught in her throat as her body tumbled, swirling around, the wind blasting her face, whipping her hair around, untying the plait as icicles scratched her. She forced herself to focus on the dragon that started to fly towards her.

It was almost like he wanted to watch closely how the ground would crush Evanna's bones before she drowned. She couldn't let that happen. Too many people relied on her. 

She would not die today! With great power surging through her entire being, tensing her muscles, she forced the black tendrils of her dark power to crash into the dragon. With full force, she swiftly unlocked her mind and started controlling the beast. The dragon flew closer and closer, its wings moving rapidly to catch Evanna.

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