

Arawn glanced at the axe, characteristically calm, following along the intricate engravings, along the length of the wood and to the large hand gripping it tightly, muscular forearms going up to the man himself, Axel. He met the man's eyes, arching a brow at the threat before him. He could get out of this situation, but he kept one arm around Evanna, the other sliding back so he could look Axel square on. 

The giant allowed that much. He looked beyond angry, his eyes blazing and face growing red. But his hand did not shake; he was in control. He had enough control to understand what he was doing and to whom he was pointing his axe. 

"Axe!?" Evanna whisper-shouted, aghast at the display before her. She kept her voice low, but his girl hadn't noticed the others were already up and watching the drama of the morning from their spots on the ground.


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