
Storytelling (4)

"So that is what became of you." Ronan pushed Ger off him and hopped back to his feet as he stared at Axel and registered his side of the events leading to how they came to be now. He never did find out until just this moment. "Cilv could have killed you."

"Could have," Axel replied pensively. "But she didn't. I'm not saying what she has done is right, but we know nothing of the lass. We do not know what life she has lived-"

"Spare me of this talk, Axe. I will not think more of it. She is not some girl needing to be rescued. She may 'steal to survive', but Cilv got greedy and made her choice," Ger snapped, glaring at Axel from his position on the ground. He extended his legs out towards the fire, sitting with one bent knee, resing an outstretched arm while refusing to look at him again, watching the blue flames instead. 

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