
Close Encounters: Part One

Evanna looked at him, horrified by what she saw before her. She stepped back so far, she bumped into one of the guards. Arawn narrowed his eyes, not at her but the guard. 

She spun around and apologised, sidestepping him and glanced to and from the elven prince and the newly slain body on the ground. The prince arched a brow from her reaction. He couldn't comprehend what the matter was.


Evanna had killed before, so why was she acting so frightened or shocked? Sure, cutting a man's head off was a little gruesome, but he couldn't help it. He reacted quickly, and this was the end result. 

Arawn let out a sigh, and he approached Evanna slowly, showing his hands, meaning no harm. She eyed them, and he, too, looked at them. There was still some blood on them, even though he already wiped them down.


His handkerchief was currently scrunched together on the body. But he refused to turn his back on Evanna.


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