
Continued Interrogation: Part Two

Evanna blinked at the sudden question. He was acting as though they were now having a pleasant conversation at dinner, but she knew he was beginning his little act. Either way, she would answer. These questions were easy, and she didn't mind replying to them.

She looked down at her hands then back up to his exquisite facial features. There was a softness behind his eyes as she gazed into those fiery depths of blue.


"Not really. It was good to use to pass the time in the evenings, but even then, I preferred talking and sitting with my friends.." She trailed off and looked to the side. She internally scolded herself. Already she was too comfortable and just blurted out what came to her mind.


"Oh? So, were you aware of the faceless on the left side of the river?" He continued with his question. This, however, gained Evanna's attention, and she looked back at him.


"No. We were warned to never go that side-"


Next chapter