
Chapter-67 Feeling Pity for Robert


Suffocation. That was all I was feeling right now. It was a disgusting and pathetic feeling.

Opening my eyes, I looked around myself and found nothing but water. Was I in some kind of ocean?

I felt suffocated. I can't breathe. I want to get out of this water. I need to get out of here.

I have to.

I have to tell them the truth, or it will be too late.

Water. My throat was so itchy. Something was clawing at my throat. What's this feeling? It hurts. It's antagonizing.

"Sir, what do we do with him?" Someone said near me.

"We keep him under observation. If he goes out of here, all our plans will be busted and we can't risk that. Besides, it's not my call to kill him. Patrick wants him." Someone else said.

"This makes me think, what is he any use to this old witch anyways?" The man that talked earlier said.

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