
Chapter-19 I am my own genie!!


The fall that I was expecting never happened.

When I didn't feel any pain, I opened my eyes to see what was the reason of me not falling, when I clearly remembered me stumbling soo hard on that tree branch.

However, the situation in front of me or that was happening with me was no joke. It was true. The nightmares of my power were just beginning.

There was a weird kind of magma coming out of my hands, that I had placed in front of my face earlier to protect myself. The Magna had made a force soo strong on the ground, that it didn't let me fall.

On the contrary, I could see that there were no leaves or stone on the place where the Magna was pointing at. All the leaves have been pushed away and the floor was so clean that it appeared as someone had mopped it.

'Wh-What the hell did just happened?' I asked to no one in particular.

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