
Chapter 24

Fendrel continue on his walking, after some time. Fendrel arrived on his last destination, near the gate of the village, where the archer towers and the barracks.

In the distance, he saw some soldiers diligently practicing, some were training on the dummy, practicing their skills. Some were having a friendly duel.

After fendrel was close enough. The soldiers began to notice him, all of them stopped at what they were doing. And pay respect to fendrel, but fendrel raised his hand, and motion for them to continue what they're doing. All the soldiers understand, and continue what they're doing. Some soldiers even began to show off, and began to beat their opponent mercilessly. The one being beaten can only gritted their teeth, they can only blame themselves for being the weak one. And promise to practice diligently more, and hope to beat their opponent next time.

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