
Side Story: Alex Eternalsoul (4)


I used the wristband I'm wearing to control the hoverboard to move in front of me.

Just in time, Robot X arrived in front of me and drops out its energy core which made it lose function.

Without Robot X's energy core, it would only be a chunk of metal.

I pressed the button that was beside the hoverboard and it opened its inside so I placed the energy core into the energy processing machine of the hoverboard.

The hoverboard was now filled with energy so I ride on it and activated auto-pilot and GPS towards my destination which was the coordinates that the dream house had added into Robot X's energy core.

Without even commanding the dream house to send me the coordinates via Robot X's energy core, it already knew what I wanted as I expected of an advance A.I.

It took me several years just to code an almost flawless and perfect Artificial intelligence so my years of hard work have paid off.

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